OpenTP1 Version 7 TP1/Client User's Guide TP1/Client/W, TP1/Client/P


7.2.4 TP1/Client/P

Defines the environment for using the OpenTP1 client function.

Create a client environment definition file named BETRAN.INI under the Windows directory (generally, \WINDOWS) and define the definition commands listed above in that file.

When you use the _s version of a function (dc_xxx_xxx_s), you can use any client environment definition file you created. When you use your own client environment definition file, specify the pathname of the file in the defpath argument of the dc_clt_cltin_s function. The pathname must be specified with the absolute path or relative path from the current drive (current directory).

When you use the facility for receiving one-way messages from the server, you can specify any client environment definition file in the dc_clt_accept_notification_s, dc_clt_cancel_notification_s, or dc_clt_open_notification_s function.