OpenTP1 Version 7 TP1/Client User's Guide TP1/Client/W, TP1/Client/P


7.1.1 List of client environment definition operands

The following table lists the client environment definition operands.

Table 7-1 Client environment definition operands

No. Operand Description Specifiable value
1 DCNAMPORT Specifies the port number for the name server. <unsigned integer> ((5001 to 65535)) <<10000>>
2 DCHOST Specifies TP1/Server that operates as a gateway. <character string>
3 DCWATCHTIM Specifies the maximum time to wait for a response. <unsigned integer> ((0 to 65535)) <<180>> (unit: seconds)
4 DCCLTCONNECTTIMEOUT Specifies the maximum time to wait for a connection to be established. <unsigned integer> ((0 to 65535)) <<0>> (unit: seconds)
5 DCCLTTREXPTM Specifies the expiration time for a transaction branch. <unsigned integer> ((0 to 65535)) (unit: seconds)
6 DCCLTTREXPSP Specifies whether the monitoring time should include the time from when a transaction branch of the transactional RPC executing process uses the RPC facility to call another transaction branch until processing of the called branch terminates. Y|N|F
7 DCCLTTRWATTM Specifies the maximum time interval for a transaction inquiry response. <unsigned integer> ((1 to 65535)) <<180>> (unit: seconds)
8 DCCLTTRCPUTM Specifies the CPU monitoring time for a transaction branch. <unsigned integer> ((0 to 65535)) (unit: seconds)
9 DCCLTUTTRCMT When the online tester functionality is used to start a transaction from the CUP, this operand specifies whether to commit or roll back the transaction at a synchronous point. Y|<<N>>
10 DCRCVPORT Specifies the receive port number for the CUP. <unsigned integer> ((1 to 65535)) <<11000>>
11 DCSNDHOST Specifies the name of the node to be connected. <character string>
12 DCSNDPORT Specifies the port number of the node to be connected. <unsigned integer> ((1 to 65535)) <<12000>>
13 DCSOCKOPENATRCV When the TCP/IP communication facility is used and a single connection is used for both sending and receiving, this operand specifies when to open the receive socket (the time at which to start waiting for a connection from the send destination). Y|<<N>>
14 DCCLTDELIVERYCHECK Specifies whether to use the message delivery confirmation facility. Y|<<N>>
15 DCUTOKEY Specifies the test user ID. <1 to 4 alphanumeric characters>
16 DCCACHE Specifies the number of areas for temporarily storing service information. <unsigned integer> ((2 to 10240)) <<8>>
17 DCCLTCACHETIM Specifies the effective period for the temporarily stored service information. <unsigned integer> ((0 to 65535)) <<30>> (unit: seconds)
18 DCCLTLOADBALANCE When a multi-node server is used, this operand specifies whether to use the inter-node load-balancing facility. This facility evaluates the load status of each node in TP1/Client when an RPC is performed and distributes processing to the server with the least load. Y|<<N>>
19 DCCLTSERVICEGROUPLIST Specifies the name of the file that defines the correspondence between service groups and RPC entry points. <character string>
20 DCCLTCONNECTRETRY Specifies the maximum number of attempts for establishing a connection. <unsigned integer> ((0 to 255)) <<0>>
21 DCSCDDIRECT Specifies whether to use the functionality that directly sends inquires about service information to the schedule service without sending inquiries about the information to the TP1/Server name service (RPCs that do not use the name service). Y|<<N>>
22 DCSCDPORT Specifies the port number of the schedule service. <unsigned integer> ((5001 to 65535))
23 DCCLTDATACOMP Specifies whether to use the data compression facility. Y|<<N>>
24 DCEXTENDFUNCTION Specifies the level to which the RPC service functionality is extended. <unsigned hexadecimal number> ((00000000 to 00000001)) <<00000000>>
25 DCCLTINQUIRETIME Specifies the maximum time interval in permanent connection. <unsigned integer> ((0 to 1048575)) (unit: seconds)
26 DCCLTPORT Specifies the port number of the client extended service. <unsigned integer> ((5001 to 65535))
27 DCCLTDCCMHOST When a DCCM3 logical terminal is asked to establish a permanent connection, this operand specifies the host name of the logical terminal. Host name of a DCCM3 logical terminal
28 DCCLTDCCMPORT Specifies the port number of a DCCM3 logical terminal. <unsigned integer> ((1 to 65535)) <<30000>>
29 DCCLTXATMI Specifies whether to use the XATMI interface for communication. Y|<<N>>
30 DCWATCHTIMINHERIT When transaction control and connection control are performed, this operand specifies whether the client extended service inherits the maximum CUP response wait time. Y|<<N>>
31 DCCLTDELAY Specifies the maximum communication delay time. <unsigned integer> ((0 to 65535)) <<0>> (unit: seconds)
32 DCCLTCUPSNDHOST Specifies the CUP send host. <character string>
33 DCCLTCUPRCVPORT Specifies the receive port number for the CUP. <unsigned integer> ((5001 to 65535))
34 DCCLTRAPHOST Specifies the host name and port number of the TP1/Server's RAP-processing listener or of the DCCM3 logical terminal. RAP-processing listener or DCCM3 logical terminal
35 DCCLTRAPAUTOCONNECT Specifies whether to enable automatic establishment of a connection between the CUP and RAP-processing server or DCCM3 logical terminal. Y|<<N>>
36 DCCLTTRSTATISITEM Specifies the items for which transaction branch statistics are to be acquired. statistics-item[,statistics-item]...
37 DCCLTTROPTIITEM Specifies optimization items for enhancing the performance of a global transaction consisting of two or more user servers. transaction-optimization-item[,transaction-optimization-item]...
38 DCCLTTRWATCHTIME Specifies the maximum time to wait for communication during transaction synchronous point processing. <unsigned integer> ((1 to 65535)) (unit: seconds)
39 DCCLTTRRBINFO If a transaction branch is rolled back, this operand specifies whether to log the information about why the transaction branch was rolled back. no|self|remote|all
40 DCCLTTRLIMITTIME Specifies the maximum time for executing a transaction branch. <unsigned integer> ((0 to 65535)) (unit: seconds)
41 DCCLTTRRBRCV Specifies whether to receive notice of the completion of a rollback after sending rollback directions to a destination transaction branch of an RPC. Y|N
42 DCCLTTRRECOVERYTYPE Specifies a method for processing a transaction synchronous point when a UAP error occurs. type1|type2|type3
43 DCWATCHTIMRPCINHERIT Specifies whether the server should inherit the maximum wait time for a CUP response. Y|<<N>>
44 DCSYSWATCHTIM Specifies the maximum time that OpenTP1 control waits for a response. <unsigned integer> ((0 to 65535)) <<maximum response wait time>> (unit: seconds)
45 DCCLTAUTHENT Specifies whether to enable user authentication when the dc_clt_cltin_s function is issued. <<Y>>|N
46 DCCLTCONNECTINF Specifies terminal identification information. Terminal identification information
47 DCSCDMULTI Specifies whether to use the multi-scheduler facility. Y|<<N>>
48 DCSCDMULTICOUNT Specifies the number of multi-scheduler daemon processes. <unsigned integer> ((1 to 4096)) <<1>>
49 DCHOSTSELECT Specifies whether to select the gateway TP1/Server at random. Y|<<N>>
50 DCSCDLOADPRIORITY Specifies whether to prioritize distribution of the load on the gateway TP1/Server that receives service requests. Y|<<N>>
51 DCCLTONLYTHISNODE Specifies whether to execute services on the specified node when the dc_rpc_call_to_s function is issued. Y|<<N>>
52 DCCLTNOSERVER Specifies whether the environment being used is an environment in which TP1/Client never communicates with TP1/Server. Y|<<N>>
53 DCHOSTCHANGE Specifies whether to switch the gateway TP1/Server to another TP1/Server if TP1/Client receives an error reply from the gateway TP1/Server in one of the following cases: (1) when a service request is issued (when the dc_rpc_call_s function is executed), (2) when the schedule service is being started, or (3) when the schedule service is being terminated. <<Y>>|N
54 DCCLTOPTION Specifies the option for extending the functionality of the client. <unsigned hexadecimal number> ((00000000 to 00000008)) <<00000000>>
55 DCCLTNAMEXTEND Increases the number of service information items acquired and managed by clients when multi-node servers are used. <<0>>|1
56 DCTRCPATH Specifies the path to the directory where trace files are created. <character string>
57 DCTRCERR Specifies the size of error log files. <unsigned integer> ((0 to 1073741824)) <<4096>> (unit: bytes)
58 DCTRCUAP Specifies the size of UAP trace files. <unsigned integer> ((4096 to 1073741824)) <<trace information is not output>> (unit: bytes)
59 DCTRCSOC Specifies the size of socket trace files. <unsigned integer> ((4096 to 1073741824)) <<trace information is not output>> (unit: bytes)
60 DCTRCSOCSIZE Specifies the data size of a socket trace to be output. <unsigned integer> ((64 to 4096)) <<256>> (unit: bytes)
61 DCTRCMDL Specifies the size of module trace files. <unsigned integer> ((4096 to 1073741824)) <<trace information is not output>> (unit: bytes)
62 DCCLTPRFINFOSEND Specifies whether to send identification information for the performance verification trace to TP1/Server. Y|<<N>>
63 DCCLTRPCMAXMSGSIZE Specifies the maximum length of a message that can be sent or received when an RPC is used. <unsigned integer> ((1 to 8)) <<1>> (unit: MB)
64 DCCLTRECVBUFSIZE Specifies the TCP/IP receive buffer size. <unsigned integer> ((8192 to 1048576)) (unit: bytes)
65 DCCLTSENDBUFSIZE Specifies the TCP/IP send buffer size. <unsigned integer> ((8192 to 1048576)) (unit: bytes)
66 DCCLTTCPNODELAY Specifies whether to disable the Nagle algorithm. Y|<<N>>
67 DCCLTBACKLOGCOUNT#1 Specifies the number of queues for storing connection establishment requests. <unsigned integer> ((0 to 4096)) <<0>>
68 dcselint#2 Specifies the interval for checking whether a response has been received. <unsigned integer> ((0 to 65535)) <<100>> (unit: milliseconds)

This operand can be used in TP1/Client/W only.

This operand can be used in TP1/Client/P only.