OpenTP1 Version 7 TP1/Client User's Guide TP1/Client/W, TP1/Client/P


6.6.4 CBLDCCLS('RECEIVE2') - Receiving messages (messages receivable even if an error occurs)

Organization of this subsection
(1) Form
(2) Purpose
(3) Data area where the UAP sets values
(4) Data area for which a value is returned
(5) Status codes
(6) Notes

(1) Form

(a) In a multi-thread environment
CALL 'CBLDCCLS' USING identifier-1
01 identifier-1.
   02 data-name-A PIC X(8)  VALUE 'RECEIVE2'.
   02 data-name-B PIC X(5).
   02 FILLER     PIC X(3).
   02 data-name-C PIC S9(9) COMP VALUE ZERO.
   02 data-name-D PIC S9(9) COMP.
   02 data-name-E PIC S9(9) COMP.
   02 data-name-G PIC 9(9) COMP.
   02 data-name-H PIC X(n).
(b) In a single-thread environment
CALL 'CBLDCCLT' USING identifier-1
01 identifier-1.
   02 data-name-A PIC X(8)  VALUE 'RECEIVE2'.
   02 data-name-B PIC X(5).
   02 FILLER     PIC X(3).
   02 data-name-C PIC S9(9) COMP VALUE ZERO.
   02 data-name-D PIC S9(9) COMP.
   02 data-name-E PIC S9(9) COMP.
   02 data-name-F PIC 9(9) COMP.
   02 data-name-H PIC X(n).

(2) Purpose

Receives messages from the MHP.

Before executing CBLDCCLS('RECEIVE2'), execute CBLDCRPS('OPEN ') by specifying 8 or 16 for data-name-C.

(3) Data area where the UAP sets values

(4) Data area for which a value is returned

(5) Status codes

Status code Meaning
00000 Normal termination
02501 Invalid data name. A request code (data-name-A) may be incorrect.
02502 Possible causes are as follows:
  • CBLDCRPS('OPEN ') has not been executed.
  • CBLDCRPS('OPEN ') has been executed, but 8 or 16 is not specified for data-name-C in CBLDCRPS('OPEN ').
02504 Insufficient memory
02506 Network error
02507 Timeout occurred during reception of the message.
02518 System error
02538 Insufficient resource
02542 The remote system released the connection.
02544 The client ID specified for data-name-G differs from the one received with CBLDCCLS('CLTIN ') or CBLDCCLS('EXCLTIN ').

(6) Notes