OpenTP1 Version 7 TP1/Client User's Guide TP1/Client/W, TP1/Client/P


6.2.1 CBLDCCLS('CLTIN ') - Client user authentication request

Organization of this subsection
(1) Form
(2) Purpose
(3) Data area where the UAP sets values
(4) Data area for which a value is returned
(5) Status codes

(1) Form

(a) In a multi-thread environment
CALL 'CBLDCCLS' USING identifier-1
01 identifier-1.
 02 data-name-A PIC X(8)  VALUE 'CLTIN  '.
 02 data-name-B PIC X(5).
 02 FILLER     PIC X(3).
 02 data-name-C PIC S9(9) COMP VALUE ZERO.
 02 data-name-D PIC X(64).
 02 data-name-E PIC X(16).
 02 data-name-F PIC X(16).
 02 data-name-G PIC X(64).
 02 FILLER     PIC 9(4) COMP.
 02 FILLER     PIC X(2).
 02 data-name-I PIC 9(9) COMP.
 02 data-name-J PIC X(256).
(b) In a single-thread environment
CALL 'CBLDCCLT' USING identifier-1
01 identifier-1.
   02 data-name-A PIC X(8)  VALUE 'CLTIN  '.
   02 data-name-B PIC X(5).
   02 FILLER     PIC X(3).
   02 data-name-C PIC S9(9) COMP VALUE ZERO.
   02 data-name-D PIC X(64).
   02 data-name-E PIC X(16).
   02 data-name-F PIC X(16).
   02 data-name-G PIC X(64).

(2) Purpose

Requests authentication of the client user specified with the login name corresponding to the specified TP1/Server to be used as a gateway.

Always execute CBLDCCLS('CLTIN ') even when you suppress user authentication.

(3) Data area where the UAP sets values

(4) Data area for which a value is returned

(5) Status codes

Status code Meaning
00000 Normal termination
02501 Invalid value for the data name. The request code (data-name-A) may be invalid.
02502 CBLDCCLT('CLTIN ') has already been executed. This status code is not returned if CBLDCCLS('CLTIN ') is executed.
02503 The communication path initialization failed. Alternatively the client environment definition is specified incorrectly.
02504 A necessary amount of buffer could not be allocated.
02506 Network error
02515 OpenTP1 is inactive for the node that has the specified service.
02518 System error
02527 This status code is returned because of one of the following reasons:
The specified data-name-E is not registered in the target host.
The password does not match.
The OpenTP1 server may not support user authentication. client_uid_check is specified incorrectly in the system common definition.
02547 The specified port number is in use. Alternatively, port numbers that can be assigned automatically by the operating system are insufficient.