OpenTP1 Version 7 TP1/Client User's Guide TP1/Client/W, TP1/Client/P


5.3.2 Using COBOL language template

When using COBOL language template, you need to modify the following values to match processing of the UAP to be coded.

For values placed in data areas, see each function description in Subsection 6. Request Statements Available for TP1/Client (COBOL Language). You can use COBOL language template in these two ways.

Organization of this subsection
(1) Using the call function of the text editor
(2) Using the COPY statement of COBOL

(1) Using the call function of the text editor

Use a template as follows.

  1. Select a proper template from the installation directory.
  2. Using the call function of the text editor, cut DATA DIVISION from the template, then paste it to the UAP source program.
  3. Modify the pasted part so that it can work as a data area for your coding.

(2) Using the COPY statement of COBOL

Use a template as follows.

  1. Select a proper template from the installation directory.
  2. From the UAP source program, declare COPY using the template file name.
  3. Place the template file in the directory the COPY statement can reference. Follow the COBOL implementation when copying files or setting environment variables.
  4. Modify the template file so that it can work as a data area for your coding.