OpenTP1 Version 7 TP1/Client User's Guide TP1/Client/W, TP1/Client/P


4.7.5 dc_clt_chained_accept_notification_s - Receive a one-way message

Organization of this subsection
(1) Form
(2) Purpose
(3) Arguments set by UAPs
(4) Arguments that contain return values
(5) Return values
(6) Notes

(1) Form

(a) TP1/Client/W
_s version of the function
#include <dcvclt.h>
DCLONG dc_clt_chained_accept_notification_s
                             (DCCLT_ID ntfid, char *inf,
                              DCLONG *inf_len,
                              DCLONG timeout,
                              char *hostname,
                              char *nodeid,
                              DCLONG flags)
Non-_s version of the function
#include <dcvclt.h>
DCLONG dc_clt_chained_accept_notification
                       (char *inf, DCLONG *inf_len,
                        DCLONG timeout, char *hostname,
                        char *nodeid, DCLONG flags)
(b) TP1/Client/P
_s version of the function
#include <dcvclt.h>
DCLONG dc_clt_chained_accept_notification_s
                             (DCCLT_ID ntfid, char CLTFAR 
                              DCLONG CLTFAR *inf_len,
                              DCLONG timeout,
                              char CLTFAR *hostname,
                              char CLTFAR *nodeid,
                              DCLONG flags)
Non-_s version of the function
#include <dcvclt.h>
DCLONG dc_clt_chained_accept_notification
                       (char CLTFAR *inf, DCLONG CLTFAR 
                        DCLONG timeout, char CLTFAR 
                        char CLTFAR *nodeid, DCLONG flags)

(2) Purpose

This function waits for the message reported by the dc_rpc_cltsend function executed on the server side. This function stops waiting for the message if a timeout occurs before receiving the message. The timeout is specified by the timeout argument. On reception of the message, this function returns the return value, received message, host name of the message-originating server, and node identifier of the message-originating server, and control returns to the CUP.

Before issuing the dc_clt_chained_accept_notification_s function, always issue the dc_clt_open_notification_s function.

(3) Arguments set by UAPs

(4) Arguments that contain return values

(5) Return values

Return value Value (decimal) Meaning
DC_OK 0 The function normally terminated.
DCCLTER_INVALID_ARGS -2501 The value specified in an argument is incorrect.
DCCLTER_PROTO -2502 The dc_clt_open_notification_s function has not been executed.
DCCLTER_NO_BUFS -2504 A necessary amount of buffer could not be allocated.
DCCLTER_NET_DOWN -2506 A network error occurred.
DCCLTER_TIMED_OUT -2507 A timeout occurred before a message arrived.
DCCLTER_SYSERR -2518 A system error occurred.
DCCLTER_VERSION -2535 Versions do not match.
DCCLTER_INVALID_NTFID -2544 The one-way message reception ID specified in ntfid differs from that received by the dc_clt_open_notification_s function.
DCCLTER_INF_TOO_BIG -2546 The received message is too large for the CUP-provided area. The part that does not fit is truncated. Values have already been set in the hostname and nodeid arguments.
DCCLTER_INVALID_MESSAGE -2548 An invalid message was received.
DCCLTER_ACCEPT_CANCELED -2549 The one-way message reception wait status was canceled by the dc_clt_cancel_notification_s function. Values have already been set in the inf, inf_len, and hostname arguments.

(6) Notes

Specify an area of 64 bytes# or more for the hostname argument, and an area of 8 bytes or greater for the nodeid argument. If the area is smaller than the required value, the area may be corrupted during TP1/Client internal processing.

# If you specify 00000008 for DCCLTOPTION in the client environment definition, this value is 256 bytes, not 64 bytes.