OpenTP1 Version 7 TP1/Client User's Guide TP1/Client/W, TP1/Client/P


4.5.6 dc_clt_get_trnid_s - Collection of identifiers for current transaction

Organization of this subsection
(1) Form
(2) Purpose
(3) Arguments set by UAPs
(4) Arguments whose values are returned
(5) Return values
(6) Note

(1) Form

(a) TP1/Client/W
_s version of the function
#include <dcvclt.h>
DCLONG dc_clt_get_trnid_s(DCCLT_ID cltid, char *trngid,
                          char *trnbid)
Non-_s version of the function
#include <dcvclt.h>
DCLONG dc_clt_get_trnid(char *trngid, char *trnbid)
(b) TP1/Client/P
_s version of the function
#include <dcvclt.h>
DCLONG dc_clt_get_trnid_s(DCCLT_ID cltid, 
                          char CLTFAR *trngid,
                          char CLTFAR *trnbid)
Non-_s version of the function
#include <dcvclt.h>
DCLONG dc_clt_get_trnid(char CLTFAR *trngid, char CLTFAR *trnbid)

(2) Purpose

Collects the global identifier for the current transaction and the identifier for the current transaction branch.

These identifiers were assigned by OpenTP1 when the following functions were issued to start the transaction:

(3) Arguments set by UAPs

(4) Arguments whose values are returned

(5) Return values

Return Value Value (decimal) Meaning
DC_OK 0 Normal termination
DCCLTER_INVALID_ARGS -2501 The pointer of trngid or trnbid is NULL.
DCCLTER_PROTO -2502 The function has been issued from an invalid context (for example, from outside a transaction).
DCCLTER_NO_BUFS -2504 Insufficient memory
DCCLTER_INVALID_CLTID -2544 The client ID specified for cltid differs from the one received by the dc_clt_cltin_s function.

(6) Note

Specify an area of 17 bytes or greater for each of the trngid and trnbid arguments. If the area is smaller than 17 bytes, the area may be corrupted during TP1/Client internal processing.