OpenTP1 Version 7 TP1/Client User's Guide TP1/Client/W, TP1/Client/P


4.4.2 dc_clt_disconnect_s - Release permanent connection

Organization of this subsection
(1) Form
(2) Purpose
(3) Arguments set by UAPs
(4) Return values
(5) Notes

(1) Form

(a) _s version of the function
#include <dcvclt.h>
DCLONG dc_clt_disconnect_s(DCCLT_ID cltid, DCLONG flags)
(b) Non-_s version of the function
#include <dcvclt.h>
DCLONG dc_clt_disconnect(DCLONG flags)

(2) Purpose

Releases permanent connection with a CUP execution process, a RAP-processing server or DCCM3 logical terminal.

(3) Arguments set by UAPs

(4) Return values

Return Value Value (decimal) Meaning
DC_OK 0 Normal termination. Alternatively, for TP1/Client/P, the permanent connection is already disconnected.
DCCLTER_INVALID_ARGS -2501 Invalid argument
DCCLTER_PROTO -2502 The dc_rpc_open_s function is not issued.
DCCLTER_NO_BUFS -2504 A necessary amount of buffer could not be allocated.
DCCLTER_NET_DOWN -2506 Communication error. Alternatively, for TP1/Client/P, the permanent connection is already disconnected.
DCCLTER_TIMED_OUT -2507 A timeout error occurred during release of permanent connection.
DCCLTER_SYSERR -2518 System error.
DCCLTER_INVALID_CLTID -2544 The client ID specified in cltid differs from the client ID received by the dc_clt_cltin_s function.

(5) Notes