OpenTP1 Version 7 TP1/Client User's Guide TP1/Client/W, TP1/Client/P


4.3.6 dc_rpc_get_watch_time_s - Referencing the wait time for service response

Organization of this subsection
(1) Form
(2) Purpose
(3) Argument set by UAPs
(4) Return values

(1) Form

(a) _s version of the function
#include <dcvrpc.h>
DCLONG dc_rpc_get_watch_time_s(DCCLT_ID cltid)
(b) Non-_s version of the function
#include <dcvrpc.h>
DCLONG dc_rpc_get_watch_time()

(2) Purpose

References the response wait time for the current service request.

You can use this function to save the original value before temporarily changing the service response wait time using the dc_rpc_set_watch_time_s function.

The dc_rpc_get_watch_time_s function returns the service response wait time changed with the dc_rpc_set_watch_time_s function. When the wait time remains unchanged, the function returns the DCWATCHTIM value in the client environment definition.

Values obtained by the dc_rpc_get_watch_time_s function are available for the dc_rpc_call_s function.

(3) Argument set by UAPs

(4) Return values

Return Value Value (decimal) Meaning
- Positive integer Current service response wait time
- 0 The service response wait time is indefinite.
DCRPCER_PROTO -2402 The dc_rpc_open_s function is not executed.
DCRPCER_NO_BUFS -2404 Insufficient memory
DCRPCER_INVALID_CLTID -2544 The client ID specified for cltid differs from the one received from the dc_clt_cltin_s function.

-: Not applicable