OpenTP1 Version 7 Tester and UAP Trace User's Guide


14.1 List of simulation functions and processing

This section lists the offline tester simulation functions and provides notes on function simulations.

Organization of this section
(1) Simulation functions
(2) Notes on simulation functions

(1) Simulation functions

Table 14-1 lists the offline tester simulation functions for simulating OpenTP1 functions.

Table 14-1 List of offline tester simulation functions

Type Function name [prog_name (request_code)] <DML> Purpose Traces Return value Function processing
Control of system operation (adm) dc_adm_call_command
Executes an operating command. Y Y Returns data from the operating command result data file.
Notifies completion of user server startup. Y Y --
Notifies user server status. Y Y Returns DCADM_STAT_START_NORMAL (return value) or zero (return code) at normal termination.
dc_adm_get_nd_status_begin Starts status acquisition at the OpenTP1 node. Y Y Gets the number of node IDs set in the function return values file.
dc_adm_get_nd_status_next Gets OpenTP1 node status. Y Y Gets the node ID set in the function return values file. Returns DCADM_STATUS_NORMAL (C return value) at normal termination.
dc_adm_get_nd_status_done Ends status acquisition at the OpenTP1 node. Y Y --
dc_adm_get_nd_status Gets OpenTP1 node status. Y Y Returns DCADM_STATUS_NORMAL (return value) at normal termination.
dc_adm_get_node_id Gets the local node ID from the system common definition. Y Y Gets the node ID set in the function return values file.
dc_adm_get_sv_status_begin Starts server status acquisition. Y Y Gets the number of server names set in the function return values file.
dc_adm_get_sv_status_next Gets server status at the OpenTP1 node. Y Y Gets the server name set in the function return values file. Returns DCADM_STATUS_NORMAL (C return value) at normal termination.
dc_adm_get_sv_status_done Ends server status acquisition. Y Y --
dc_adm_get_sv_status Gets status of a specified server. Y Y Returns DCADM_STATUS_NORMAL (return value) at normal termination.
dc_adm_get_nodeconf_begin Starts node ID acquisition. Y Y Returns the number of node IDs set in function return values file.
dc_adm_get_nodeconf_next Gets multi-node area ID for the UAP that issued the function, or all node IDs of specified subareas. Y Y Returns the node IDs set in the function return values file.
dc_adm_get_nodeconf_done Ends node ID acquisition. Y Y --
DAM file service (dam) dc_dam_close
Closes a DAM file. Y Y Closes a DAM file.
Allocates a physical file. N N Creates a DAM file and returns the file descriptor.
Declares to stop using files not subject to recovery. Y Y --
Reads a physical file block. N N Reads a specified block from a DAM file to a specified buffer.
Logical shutdown of a DAM file Y Y Sets shutdown status in the DAM file header and shuts down the DAM file.
Closes a physical file. N N Closes a DAM file.
Opens a physical file. N N Opens a DAM file and returns the file descriptor.
Opens a DAM file. Y Y Opens a DAM file and returns the file descriptor. Locks the file if lock is specified for the file.
Writes a physical file block. N N Writes buffer contents to a specified DAM file block.
Reads a DAM file block. Y Y Reads a specified DAM file block to a specified buffer. Locks the file if lock is specified for the block.
Declares to start using files not subject to recovery. Y Y --
Shows DAM file state. Y Y Returns the DAM file state.
Releases DAM file shutdown status. Y Y Resets the shutdown status in the DAM file header and cancels the shutdown of the DAM file.
Updates a DAM file block. Y Y Writes the contents of a specified buffer to a specified DAM file block.
Outputs a DAM file. Y Y Writes the contents of a specified buffer to a specified DAM file block.
Shared table service (ist) dc_ist_close
Closes IST table. Y Y Closes the IST table.
Opens IST table. Y Y Opens the IST table and returns its descriptor.
Reads records from IST table. Y Y Reads specified records from the IST table to specified buffer.
Writes records to IST table. Y Y Writes specified records to the IST table.
User journal collection (jnl) dc_jnl_ujput
Collects UAP log information. Y Y --
Lock of resources (lck) dc_lck_get
Requests locking of resources. Y Y --
Requests unlocking of all resources. Y Y --
Requests unlocking of a specified resource. Y Y --
Message log control (log) dc_logprint
Requests logged message output. Y Y --
Message control function (mcf) dc_mcf_execap
Starts an application. Y Y --
Starts the MCF service. Y Y Notifies the offline tester that MCF service has started. At a service request to the MHP, executes the service function and waits for the next service request. Returns when a UAP termination request is received (at offline tester termination, for example).
Message receive Y Y Inputs a segment from the MCF receive message file and stores the segment in the message receive area. Counts up the transaction sequence number.
Response message send Y Y --
Partial recovery Y Y Counts up the transaction sequence number if the next processing is specified to run as a different transaction.
Message send Y Y --
Prepares and initializes for using the MCF service. Y Y --
Deletes the environment for using the MCF service. Y N --
Synchronous message send/receive Y Y Outputs trace information of the last segment, then inputs a segment from the MCF receive message file and stores the segment in the message receive area.
Synchronous message receive Y Y Inputs a segment from the MCF receive message file and stores the segment in the message receive area.
Synchronous message send Y Y --
Passes temporary memory data for continuous inquiry/response Y Y Inputs data from the temporary memory data file and stores the data in the message receive area. Or, stores a null character if no file exists.
Updates temporary memory data for continuous inquiry/response Y Y Updates the temporary memory data file. Or, creates an update file if none exists.
Terminates continuous inquiry/response Y Y Deletes the temporary memory data file.
dc_mcf_regster Sets user exit routine function addresses. Y Y --
Message resend Y Y --
Synchronous point acquisition Y Y Counts up the transaction sequence number.
Remote procedure call (rpc) dc_rpc_call
Remote service call Y Y Requests the offline tester to execute a service function.
Returns a descriptor (positive integer) as the return value when DCRPC_NOWAIT is specified.
Or, returns zero to the specified service (service function) as the response length when DCRPC_NOREPLY is specified.
UAP termination Y N --
Starts the SPP service. Y Y Notifies the offline tester that service has started. At a service request to the SPP, executes the service function and waits for the next service request. Returns when a UAP termination request is received (at offline tester termination, for example).
UAP start processing Y Y Allocates shared memory, then notifies the offline tester that the UAPs have started.
Receives responses from the dc_rpc_call function (DCRPC_NOWAIT specified). Y Y If flags=DCNOFLAGS, returns the descriptor of the first dc_rpc_call function (DCRPC_NOWAIT specified) for which no reply was received. If flags=DCRPC_SPECIFIC_MSG, returns DC_OK. If no dc_rpc_call functions that terminated normally were issued in the SPP, returns DCRPC_PROTO.
Cancels responses from the dc_rpc_call function (DCRPC_NOWAIT specified). Y N Cancels all descriptors returned by the dc_rpc_call function (DCRPC_NOWAIT specified).
Notifies the node address of the client. Y N Returns ADDRESS (fixed value) as the client address.
Sets schedule priority of service requests. Y N --
Gets schedule priority of service requests. Y N Returns the schedule priority value specified for the dc_rpc_set_service_prio function.
Updates the service response wait time. Y Y Updates the service response wait time.
References the service response wait time. Y N References the values set by the dc_rpc_set_watch_time function. Returns 180 if the function has not been issued.
TAM file service (tam) dc_tam_close Closes a TAM table. Y Y Releases lock and closes the TAM table.
Deletes a record from a TAM table. Y Y Deletes a record specified by key value from a TAM table and updates the TAM table file.
Collects TAM table information. Y Y Returns DCTAM_STS_OPN if the calling process has issued an open request for the specified TAM table file. Or, returns DCTAM_STS_CLS if no open request has been issued.
dc_tam_open Opens a TAM table. Y Y Opens the TAM table specified by table ID and returns the file ID as the table ID. Locks the TAM table file if lock of the TAM table is specified.
[CBLDCTAM(FxxR or FxxU)]
Retrieves a record from a TAM table. Y Y Retrieves a specified index from a TAM table (control part and index part) in shared memory and reads the record for the index from the TAM table file. Locks the TAM table file if lock of the record is specified.
dc_tam_read_cancel Cancels TAM table record retrieval. Y Y Unlocks the TAM table file that contains a specified record.
dc_tam_rewrite Updates a retrievable record in a TAM table. Y Y Writes the contents of a specified buffer to a specified record in a TAM table.
Updates or appends a record in a TAM table. Y Y Retrieves a specified index from a TAM table (control part and index part) in shared memory and writes the contents of a specified buffer to the record for the index in the TAM table file.
Transaction control (trn) dc_trn_begin
Starts a transaction. Y Y Counts up the transaction sequence number.
Commits a transaction (chained mode). Y Y Counts up the transaction sequence number.
Rolls back a transaction (chained mode). Y Y Counts up the transaction sequence number.
Returns information for the current transaction. Y Y Returns zero if no information is specified in the function return values file.
Commits a transaction (unchained mode). Y Y --
Rolls back a transaction (unchained mode). Y Y --
TX interface (tx_~) tx_begin
Starts a transaction. Y Y Counts up the transaction sequence number and initializes TXINFO information.
Closes the resource managers. Y Y --
Commits a transaction. Y Y In chained mode, counts up the transaction sequence number.
Returns information for the current transaction. Y Y Returns zero if no information is specified in the function return values file.
Opens the resource managers. Y Y --
Sets commit_return characteristics. Y Y --
Sets trans-action_control characteristics. Y Y Sets transaction_control characteristics.
Sets trans-action_timeout characteristics. Y Y --
Rolls back a transaction. Y Y In chained mode, counts up the transaction sequence number and sets transaction_state characteristics.
XATMI interface (tp_~) tpalloc Allocates a typed buffer. Y Y Allocates the buffer specified by an argument of type type and returns the pointer.
tpfree Frees a typed buffer. Y N Frees the buffer allocated by the tpalloc or tprealloc function.
tprealloc Resizes a typed buffer. Y Y Resizes the buffer allocated by the tpalloc or tprealloc function.
tptypes Gets typed buffer information. Y Y Returns the type and subtype of the buffer allocated by the tpalloc or tprealloc function.
tpservice Service function template Y N Collects trace information immediately before a service function is called.
tpreturn Returns from a service function. Y Y Sets return information and returns to the client UAP.
tpadvertise Advertises a service name. Y Y --
tpunadvertise Cancels service name advertising. Y Y --
tpacall Asynchronous service request Y Y Requests the offline tester to execute a service function. The tpgetrply function returns the call result.
tpcall Synchronous service request Y Y Requests the offline tester to execute a service function.
tpcancel Service cancellation Y Y Cancels the response from the service requested by tpacall function.
tpgetrply Asynchronous response from a service Y Y Returns the execution result of a service function.
tpconnect Establishes the conversational service paradigm connection. Y Y Requests the offline tester to execute a service function. The execution result is returned by the tprecv function.
tpdiscon Disconnects the conversational service paradigm. Y Y Terminates the service if in reply wait state (tprecv function) and disables acceptance of tpsend or tprecv after the tpdiscon is accepted.
tprecv Message receive from the conversational service paradigm Y Y Inputs data from the XATMI receive data file.
tpsend Message send to the conversational service paradigm Y Y Outputs data to the XATMI send data file.
Online tester (uto) dc_uto_test_status
Reports user server test state. Y Y Returns non-test mode state.

Y: Trace information collected; return value set.
N: Trace information cannot be collected; return value cannot be set.
--: No processing

(2) Notes on simulation functions

Note the following points on using the function simulator:

  1. The offline tester does not check the type of the UAP issuing the function, transaction status, or whether the function is issued inside or outside the main function.
  2. The function sequence is checked only for functions that affect offline tester operation.
  3. Arguments are not checked. The user should check the arguments from the trace information.
  4. An error message is output but no trace information is collected when an interface code or request code is set incorrectly in a COBOL program.
  5. A dc_trn_~ function cannot coexist with a tx_~ function. The offline tester does not check whether the two functions types are mixed.
  6. The offline tester counts the number of transactions (transaction sequence number). The transaction sequence number is counted up at execution of some simulation functions and at execution of the call subcommand. You can reference the transaction sequence number by using the tx_info function. For details about the simulation function that increments the transaction sequence number, see (1) Simulation functions, above.