OpenTP1 Version 7 Tester and UAP Trace User's Guide


13.1.5 utftrcpic (retrieval of offline tester trace information)

Organization of this subsection
(1) Syntax
(2) Function
(3) Command arguments
(4) Output format
(5) Notes

(1) Syntax

utftrcpic  trace-file-name service-group-name
           [service-name [data-file-name]]

(2) Function

Retrieves offline tester trace information by key from a trace file and outputs the information to standard output.

(3) Command arguments

(4) Output format


  1. Time and function information:
    • Time at which the service group was activated (hour:minute:second)
    • Name of C function
    • Name of COBOL program
    • Request code
    • DML statement name
  2. Argument information:
    (IN) indicates contents specified with the function argument by the UAP. (OUT) indicates contents returned by the function to the UAP. arg name (OUT)=NULL is displayed when the address of the character string area is a null character.
  3. Information on data and data length:
    Data contents are displayed for the specified data length in 40 bytes per line. The format when a specification is incorrect or incomplete is as follows:
    When the data address is a null character:
    data name(IN)=NULL
    When the data length is zero:
    data name(IN)=
  4. Option flag information:
    • Option flag name
    • COBOL flag name
    • COBOL flag type
    If a specification is incorrect, the code of the incorrect flag is displayed and *** is displayed as the COBOL flag name and flag type.
    option flags(IN)=00000001
                 DCDAM_FILE_EXCLUSIVE [exclusive:B]
                 00000006 [***]
  5. Return value information:
    • Definition name of C return value
    • Decimal display of C return value
    • Decimal display of COBOL return code

Output example



  1. Message indicating offline tester startup and trace information collected at SPP startup
  2. Trace information collected at subcommand input (test start)
  3. Trace information collected at service execution
  4. Trace information collected at data file read
  5. Trace information collected at subcommand input (test end)
  6. Trace information collected at SPP termination when offline tester ends

(5) Notes