OpenTP1 Version 7 Tester and UAP Trace User's Guide


11.1.1 Offline tester environment definition

The offline tester environment definition specifies the following conditions for using the offline tester:

Code each definition in the offline tester environment definition file. The file name is used as the command argument in the offline tester start command and can be any name.

Rules for the offline tester environment definition:

  1. Write one definition per line.
  2. Use one-byte characters. The system distinguishes between upper-case and lower-case characters.
  3. End each line with a comma (,). Any coding after the comma is regarded as a comment.
  4. End the whole environment definition with a semicolon (;). Any coding after the semicolon is regarded as a comment.
  5. In the following cases, an error message is output at definition analysis. The definition is ignored and analysis continues:
    • When a non-existent directory and file (other than DAM file) is specified
    • When access to the specified file is prohibited (no write permission, for example)
    • When an error occurs during definition analysis
    When definition analysis is completed, the user must specify whether to continue offline tester activation. Enter either of the following:
    To continue
    2 (or end)
    To cancel
  6. Do not abbreviate definitions. A format error occurs when a definition is abbreviated.
  7. Table 11-1 shows whether each definition is valid or invalid if a format error occurs.

    Table 11-1 Format errors and validity of definitions

    Definition statement Format error Valid Assumed specification when valid
    UAP definition No service group name, execution format program name, or user service definition file name N --
    Both N and F specified. Y F
    , or ; missing at the end of the statement. Y ,
    Directory for RPC request data file No directory name N --
    , or ; missing at the end of the statement. Y ,
    Directory for XATMI request data file No directory name N --
    , or ; missing at the end of the statement. Y ,
    Directory for TxRPC request data file No directory name N --
    , or ; missing at the end of the statement. Y ,
    Directory for RPC response data file No directory name N --
    , or ; missing at the end of the statement. Y ,
    Directory for XATMI response data file No directory name N --
    , or ; missing at the end of the statement. Y ,
    Directory for TxRPC response data file No directory name N --
    , or ; missing at the end of the statement. Y ,
    Directory for XATMI send/receive data file No directory name N --
    , or ; missing at the end of the statement. Y ,
    Directory for MCF receive message file No directory name N --
    , or ; missing at the end of the statement. Y ,
    Directory for operating command result data file No directory name N --
    , or ; missing at the end of the statement. Y ,
    Directory for continuous execution command file No directory name N --
    , or ; missing at the end of the statement. Y ,
    DAM file definition No physical file name or logical file name. N --
    , or ; missing at the end of the statement. Y ,
    TAM file definition No TAM table name or TAM file name N --
    , or ; missing at the end of the statement. Y ,
    Internode shared table definition No internode shared table name, record length, or number of records. N --
    , or ; missing at the end of the statement. Y ,
    Definition of function return values file No file name N --
    , or ; missing at the end of the statement. Y ,
    Trace file definition No file name N --
    , or ; missing at the end of the statement. Y ,
    Protocol definition Protocol unspecified N --
    , or ; missing at the end of the statement. Y ,
    Other Definition name other than the above N --
    Y: valid
    N: invalid
    --: Not applicable
    Example of offline tester environment definition
    # UAP definition
    SPP = spp1 spp1.out spp1usr,
    SPP = spp2 DUMMY    DUMMY   F,
    SPP = spp3 spp3.out spp3usr D dbx,
    SPP = spp4 spp4.out spp4usr,
    SPP = spp5 spp5.out spp5usr N D dbx -I /betran/utf/uap/src
    MHP = mhp1 mhp1.out mhp1usr,
    # directory definition for RPC request data file
    rpc_message = /betran/utf/rpcmsg,
    # directory definition for XATMI request data file
    tp_message = /betran/utf/xatmimsg,
    # directory definition for TxRPC request data file
    txrpc_message = /betran/utf/txrpcmsg,
    # directory definition for RPC response data file
    rpc_return_data = /betran/utf/rpc_return,
    # directory definition for XATMI response data file
    tp_return_data = /betran/utf/tp_return,
    # directory definition for TxRPC response data file
    txrpc_return_data = /betran/utf/tx_return,
    # directory definition for XATMI send/receive data file
    tp_converse = /betran/utf/tp_converse,
    # directory definition for MCF receive message file
    mcf_message = /betran/utf/mcfmsg,
    # directory definition for operating command result data file
    adm_call_cmd = /betran/utf/etc/call_cmd_val,
    # directory definition for continuous execution command file
    cmdfile = /betran/utf/etc,
    # DAM file definitions
    damfile = damfile1 /betran/utf/dam/damfile1,
    damfile = damfile2 /betran/utf/dam/damfile2 N,
    # TAM file definitions
    tamtable = tamtable1 /betran/utf/tam/tamfile1,
    tamtable = tamtable2 /betran/utf/tam/tamfile2 N,
    # IST table definitions
    isttable = isttable 128 64,
    isttable = ist2 4 256,
    # definition of function return values file
    func_value_file = /betran/utf/etc/return_val,
    # trace file definition
    tracefile = /betran/utf/log/trace,
    # protocol definition
    protocol = OSI/TP;
Organization of this subsection
(1) UAP definition
(2) Directory definition for RPC request data file
(3) Directory definition for XATMI request data file
(4) Directory definition for TxRPC request data file
(5) Directory definition for RPC response data file
(6) Directory definition for XATMI response data file
(7) Directory definition for TxRPC response data file
(8) Directory definition for XATMI send/receive data file
(9) Directory definition for MCF receive message file
(10) Directory definition for operating command result data file
(11) Directory definition for continuous execution command file
(12) DAM file definitions
(13) TAM file definitions
(14) Internode shared table definitions
(15) Definition of function return values file
(16) Trace file definition
(17) Protocol definition

(1) UAP definition

(a) Syntax
           [{F|D debugger-name|[N][D debugger-name]}]{,|;}
(b) Function

Defines the following items for the UAP to be tested by the offline tester:

A UAP definition can only be written for an SPP or MHP. SUPs cannot be tested by the offline tester.

(c) Operands
(d) Note

A service group name can only be specified once. If duplicated, the first definition is valid. In the following example, spp1 is specified twice and the definition of the second line causes an error.

SPP = spp1 spp1.load spp1usr,
SPP = spp1 spp2.load spp2usr, [Figure] Error occurs.
(e) Definition example
# UAP definition
SPP = spp1 spp1.out spp1usr,
SPP = spp2 DUMMY    DUMMY   F,
SPP = spp3 spp3.out spp3usr D dbx,
SPP = spp4 spp4.out spp4usr,
SPP = spp5 spp5.out spp5usr N D dbx -I /betran/utf/uap/src
MHP = mhp1 mhp1.out mhp1usr;

(2) Directory definition for RPC request data file

(a) Syntax
rpc_message = directory-name-of-RPC-request-data-file{,|;}
(b) Function

Defines the name of the directory that contains the RPC request data file. If the name is specified more than once, the last definition is valid.

(c) Operands
(d) Definition example
# directory definition for RPC request data file
rpc_message = /betran/utf/rpcmsg;

(3) Directory definition for XATMI request data file

(a) Syntax
tp_message = directory-of-XATMI-request-data-file{,|;}
(b) Function

Defines the name of the directory that contains the XATMI request data file. If the name is specified more than once, the last definition is valid.

(c) Operands
(d) Definition example
# directory definition for XATMI request data file
tp_message = /betran/utf/xatmimsg;

(4) Directory definition for TxRPC request data file

(a) Syntax
txrpc_message = directory-name-of-TxRPC-request-data-file{,|;}
(b) Function

Defines the name of the directory that contains the TxRPC request data file. If the name is specified more than once, the last definition is valid.

(c) Operands
(d) Definition example
# directory definition for TxRPC request data file
txrpc_message = /betran/utf/txrpcmsg;

(5) Directory definition for RPC response data file

(a) Syntax
rpc_return_data = directory-name-of-RPC-response-data-file{,|;}
(b) Function

Defines the name of the directory that contains the RPC response data file. If the name is specified more than once, the last definition is valid.

(c) Operands
(d) Definition example
# directory definition for RPC response data file
rpc_return_data = /betran/utf/rpc_return;

(6) Directory definition for XATMI response data file

(a) Syntax
tp_return_data = directory-name-of-XATMI-response-data-file{,|;}
(b) Function

Defines the name of the directory that contains the XATMI response data file. If the name is specified more than once, the last definition is valid.

(c) Operands
(d) Definition example
# directory definition for XATMI response data file
tp_return_data = /betran/utf/tp_return;

(7) Directory definition for TxRPC response data file

(a) Syntax
txrpc_return_data = directory-name-of-TxRPC-response-data-file{,|;}
(b) Function

Defines the name of the directory that contains the TxRPC response data file. If the name is specified more than once, the last definition is valid.

(c) Operands
(d) Definition example
# directory definition for TxRPC response data file
txrpc_return_data = /betran/utf/tx_return;

(8) Directory definition for XATMI send/receive data file

(a) Syntax
tp_converse = directory-name-of-XATMI-send/receive-data-file{,|;}
(b) Function

Defines the name of the directory that contains the XATMI send/receive data file. If the name is specified more than once, the last definition is valid.

(c) Operands
(d) Definition example
# directory definition for XATMI send/receive data file
tp_converse = /betran/utf/tp_converse;

(9) Directory definition for MCF receive message file

(a) Syntax
mcf_message = directory-name-of-MCF-receive-message-file{,|;}
(b) Function

Defines the name of the directory that contains the MCF receive message file. If the name is specified more than once, the last definition is valid.

(c) Operands
(d) Definition example
# directory definition for MCF receive message file
mcf_message = /betran/utf/mcfmsg;

(10) Directory definition for operating command result data file

(a) Syntax
adm_call_cmd = directory-name-of-operating-command-result-data-file{,|;}
(b) Function

Defines the name of the directory that contains the operating command result data file. If the name is specified more than once, the last definition is valid.

(c) Operands
(d) Definition example
# directory definition for operating command result data file
adm_call_cmd = /betran/utf/etc/call_cmd_val;

(11) Directory definition for continuous execution command file

(a) Syntax
cmdfile = directory-name-of-continuous-execution-command-file{,|;}
(b) Function

Defines the name of the directory that contains the continuous execution command file. If the name is specified more than once, the last definition is valid.

(c) Operands
(d) Definition example
# directory definition for continuous execution command file
cmdfile = /betran/utf/etc;

(12) DAM file definitions

(a) Syntax
damfile = logical-file-name physical-file-name [N]{,|;}
(b) Function

Associates a logical file name with a physical file name for simulating the DAM service.

Definitions must be written for all the DAM files accessed by the UAP.

(c) Operands
(d) Definition example
# DAM file definitions
damfile = damfile1 /betran/utf/dam/damfile1,
damfile = damfile2 /betran/utf/dam/damfile2 N;

(13) TAM file definitions

(a) Syntax
tamtable = TAM-table-name TAM-file-name [N]{,|;}
(b) Function

Associates TAM table names with TAM file names for simulating the TAM service.

Definitions must be written for all the TAM files accessed by the UAP.

(c) Operands
(d) Definition example
# TAM file definitions
tamtable = tamtable1 /betran/utf/tam/tamfile1,
tamtable = tamtable2 /betran/utf/tam/tamfile2 N;
(e) Note

(14) Internode shared table definitions

(a) Syntax
isttable = IST-table-name record-length record-count{,|;}
(b) Function

Specifies an internode shared table used for the IST service simulation using a set of the internode shared table name, record length, and record count.

Define all internode shared tables accessed by the UAP. Up to 64 internode shared tables can be defined.

(c) Operands
(d) Definition example
# IST table definition
isttable = isttbl1 8 12,
isttable = isttbl2 10 20;

(15) Definition of function return values file

(a) Syntax
func_value_file = function-return-values-file-name{,|;}
(b) Function

Defines the name of the file in which function return values are set. If the name is specified more than once, the last definition is valid.

(c) Operands
(d) Definition example
# definition of function return values file
func_value_file = /betran/utf/etc/return_val;

(16) Trace file definition

(a) Syntax
tracefile = trace-file-name{,|;}
(b) Function

Defines the name of the file for storing offline tester trace information. If the name is specified more than once, the last definition is valid.

(c) Operands
(d) Definition example
# trace file definition
tracefile = /betran/utf/log/trace;

(17) Protocol definition

(a) Syntax
protocol = protocol-name{,|;}
(b) Function

Defines MCF protocol. This definition is valid only when testing a UAP written in COBOL or DML. Omit the definition for protocols other than OSI TP.

If the protocol is specified more than once, the last definition is valid.

(c) Operands
(d) Definition example
# protocol definition
protocol = OSI/TP;