OpenTP1 Version 7 Tester and UAP Trace User's Guide


10.1 Facilities of the offline tester

The offline tester provides the following facilities for testing UAPs:

  1. Client UAP simulator
    Simulates client UAP processing so that a server UAP can be tested without a client UAP.
  2. Server UAP simulator
    Simulates server UAP processing so that a client UAP can be tested without a server UAP.
  3. MCF simulator
    Simulates message send and receive processing for testing an MHP or an SPP called by service requests from the MHP.
  4. File service simulators
    Simulate the DAM service and TAM service for testing UAP access to DAM or TAM files.
  5. OpenTP1 function simulator
    Simulates processing of OpenTP1 functions by using the corresponding simulation functions that have the same names as the OpenTP1 functions.
  6. Operating command simulator
    Simulates the processing of operating commands executed by a test UAP.
  7. Tester file creation
    Creates the tester files required when using the simulators.
  8. Continuous command execution
    During testing, continuously executes the offline tester subcommands set in a file.
  9. Debugger connection
    Runs test UAPs under debugger control.
  10. Collection of offline tester trace information
    Collects trace information for the UAP being tested.