OpenTP1 Version 7 Tester and UAP Trace User's Guide


3.1.2 Tester service definition

Create the definition file $DCCONFPATH/uto, then define in this file the tester service definition.

Organization of this subsection
(1) Syntax
(2) Function
(3) Explanation

(1) Syntax

(a) set format
[set uto_server_count=maximum no. of test user servers]
[set max_trace_file_size=maximum size of trace files]
[set max_message_file_size=maximum size of MCF send
                           message file]
[set watch_time=max reply wait time]
[set rpc_trace=Y|N]
[set rpc_trace_name="name of the file for collecting RPC
                     trace information"]
[set rpc_trace_size=size of the file for collecting RPC
                    trace information]
(b) Command format
{{[<INDEXWORD PRONOUNCE="utoterm" INDEXITEM="utoterm" PARENTPRONOUNCE="Tester Service Definition" PARENTITEM="Tester Service Definition">utoterm</INDEXWORD> [-p OSITP|other] logical-terminal-name]}}

(2) Function

Defines the environment for executing online tester services.

(3) Explanation

(a) set format


(b) Command format

See below.