OpenTP1 Version 7 Messages


KFCA27771-W (E)

( the definition file was created by using an old version. re-create the difinition file by using the rapdfgen command. definition file

The user service definition file for the RAP-processing listener, RAP-processing server, or RAP-processing client manager might be an old version. Alternatively, the name of the executable program for the RAP-processing listener, RAP-processing server, or RAP-processing client manager is the same as the executable program name specified in the module operand in the system service information definition.
If the names of the executable programs are the same, change one of them. For all other cases, execute the rapdfgen command to re-create the definition.
For details about the message types and problem identification codes, see the explanation of the definition check command in the manual OpenTP1 System Definition.
aa....aa: Message type Problem identification code Definition file name
Countermeasure: Execute the rapdfgen command to re-create the definition file.