OpenTP1 Version 7 Messages



error occurred while connecting to the rap client manager. reason code=aa-bb, IP address:, port no=dddd

aa: Reason code for the error
8: The system attempted to connect to an unnetworked host computer.
22: Insufficient memory
24: Insufficient sockets
31: Network error
32: Message exchange timeout
36: The RAP-processing client manager is inactive.
37: Unexpected error in the system call
81: The system cannot continue processing due to insufficient memory for the RAP-processing client manager.
82: The RAP-processing listener detected a timeout error during connection to the RAP-processing client manager.
83: A system error occurred in the RAP-processing client manager processing.
104: The rap_client_manager_node operand specifies nothing or an invalid value.
bb: OpenTP1 internal code IP address of the node corresponding to the client manager to be connected
"**.**.**.**" may appear if the rap_client_manager_node operand specifies an invalid value.
dddd: Number of the well-known port for the RAP-processing client manager to be connected
S: Cancel the connection to the RAP-processing client manager.
O: Determine the cause of the error, and then eliminate the error.