OpenTP1 Version 7 Messages



error occurred while beginning RAP-processing client manager (aa...aa). reason code=bb-cc

aa...aa: RAP-processing client manager name
bb: Reason code
1: Environment variable DCSCSCLMANNAME specifies nothing or an invalid value.
3: The rap_client_manager_port operand specifies nothing or an invalid value.
4: The rap_listen_inf operand specifies nothing or an invalid value.
6: The specified port number of the RAP-processing client manager is in use for another process.
11: Initialization with the dc_rpc_open() failed.
12: OpenTP1 is not running.
13: OpenTP1 used the security facility, causing an error during initialization of the security environment.
21: Either the RAP-processing client manager has already started, or the RAP-processing client manager that had started last time did not terminate normally.
22: Insufficient process-specific memory
23: Insufficient shared memory
24: Insufficient sockets
31: Network error
33: The local host name is not defined.
36: The RAP-processing listener disconnected the connection.
37: System error
61: I/O error in the status file.
cc: OpenTP1 internal code
S: Cancels startup of the RAP-processing client manager.
O: Eliminate the cause of the error, and then restart the RAP-processing client manager.