OpenTP1 Version 7 Messages



mmm communication error detected for connection. connection name=aa...aa reason detail error stop code=dd...dd error detail

mmm: MCF identifier
aa...aa: Connection name Reason code (Maintenance information) Detail error information (Detail communication management error information)
dd...dd: Stop code (Communication management stop code) Error detail code (Communication management error detail code)
S: Recovers the connection.
Countermeasure: Refer to the following table and take an action.
Reason code Detail error code Meaning Action
8 4 The system stopped waiting for completion of the processing because of a signal. Contact the maintenance personnel.
Some files for identifying the communication management are missing. Reinstall the communication management (XNF/AS/HDLC).
6 The communication management is not running (or terminated abnormally). Check the status of the communication management. If the communication management is inactive, start it. If the communication management is being terminated, wait until it is terminated and then start it.
The definition for using XNF/AS/HDLC, which is the communication management for TP1/NET/HDLC, is missing. Ensure that the max_HDLCpass_link value is specified in the configuration definition statement for the communication management. If you change the definition, the change will be applied after the system is restarted.
The files for identifying the communication management are missing. This code may be output when the communication management is not installed or is incorrectly installed. Reinstall the communication management.
9 In the connection management table for the communication management, TP1/NET/HDLC accessed an entry in a status other than Used. Contact the maintenance personnel.
14 The address of the structure or buffer set in a function of the communication management for TP1/NET/HDLC is incorrect. Contact the maintenance personnel.
22 A parameter in a function of the communication management for TP1/NET/HDLC is incorrect. Contact the maintenance personnel.
23 The number of connections available from all the TP1/NET/HDLC processes in the system exceeded the maximum. Review the max_HDLCpass_link value is specified in the configuration definition statement for the communication management.
The number of files that can concurrently be opened in the system exceeded the maximum. Change the setting of the nfile system parameter.
24 The number of files that can concurrently be opened in one process exceeded the maximum. Change the setting of the nofiles system parameter.#
Other codes The path of the communication management is incorrect. Specify the correct path of the communication management.
The system set errno. Contact the maintenance personnel.
Other codes In TP1/NET/HDLC, a function of the communication management resulted in an error. Contact the maintenance personnel.

For details about how to change the OS parameters, see the command reference for ulimit and chuser.