OpenTP1 Version 7 Messages



mmm starts error event. event name=aa...aa reason application

mmm: MCF identifier
aa...aa: Error event name Reason code
The reason codes that may be displayed for error event 2 or error event 4 are:
0010: The MHP service for the application name does not exist.
0020: Failed to start the MHP because an RPC error occurred or the server is inactive.
0030: Failed to add a message to the input queue because the memory was insufficient.
0031: Failed to add a message to the input queue because the queue file was full.
0032: Failed to add a message to the input queue because the maximum number of storable input messages is reached.
0033: An error occurred while a message is being added to the input queue.
0040: The MHP application is shut down.
0041: The MHP application is shut down in the secure status.
0042: The MHP service or MHP service group is shut down.
0043: The MHP service group is shut down in the secure status.
0050: An error occurred in the MHP before passing a segment to the function for receiving an MHP segment.
The reason codes that may be displayed for error event 1 or error event 3 are:
**** Name of the application that caused an error event to occur
S: Starts an error event.