OpenTP1 Version 7 Messages



mmm error in mapping service definition file. line number=nn...nn, reason code=xx...xx

mmm: MCF identifier
nn...nn: Number of the line containing an error
xx...xx: Reason code
00000001: The number of characters exceeds the maximum.
00000002: Another host is specified for the host name.
00000003: The definition has an error.
00000004: There are too many parameters.
00000005: A semicolon (;) is missing.
00000006: There are too few parameters.
00000007: A mapping service ID is duplicated.
00000008: The specified value is outside the allowable range.
S: Skips starting the faulty mapping service and continues processing. However, if all the mapping service definition files contain an error, terminates the mapping services.
O: Correct the line nn...nn in the mapping service definition file according to the reason code. Then, restart OpenTP1.