OpenTP1 Version 7 Messages


KFCA10122-W (E)

mmm command processing completed normally but status inheriting could not be registered. command name=aa...aa logical terminal reason detail code 1=dd...dd detail code

The command was successfully executed. However, an attempt to register the statuses, which were changed by the command, for the next time OpenTP1 is operated failed, because the status inheritance definition (mcftsts -l maximum-number-of-logical-terminals) was specified.
mmm: MCF identifier
aa...aa: Command name Logical terminal name Reason code (maintenance information)
dd...dd: Detail code 1 (maintenance information) Detail code 2 (maintenance information)
S: Upon rerun, does not inherit the status changed by execution of the relevant command.
O: To inherit the status upon rerun, contact the OpenTP1 administrator.
Countermeasure: Contact your Hitachi customer engineer.