OpenTP1 Version 7 Messages


KFCA02231-E (L+E)

cannot output transaction error information. reason code=aaaa

Output of transaction error information needed to recover the transaction recovery journal file failed.
aaaa: Reason code
Reason codes and their corresponding countermeasures are listed below.
S: Retries creation of the transaction error information file at regular intervals.
O: Proceed as indicated in the error message output immediately before this message. If the action fails, recover the system state after the system has gone down.
Reason code Meaning Countermeasure
0001 Insufficient process memory Reduce the number of processes then restart OpenTP1. If this error recurs frequently, contact the maintenance personnel.
0052 File manipulation failure Examine the cause of the failure from the reason code output with message KFCA02211-E, then take suitable corrective action.
0056 Invalid environmental variable Enter a valid value for the environmental variable, then retry.