OpenTP1 Version 7 Messages


KFCA01863-E (L+E)

system state is not aa...aa; cannot execute command.

aa...aa: Status that allows command entry
ONLINE: Online status
OFFLINE: Offline status Entered command name
dcstart: System start command
dcstop: System termination command
dcsvstart: Server start command
dcsvstop: Server termination command
dcstats: Statistical journal output command
S: Terminates the command.
O: Take either of the following actions depending on the entered command.
For dcstart, dcsvstart, dcsvstop, or dcstats:
Wait till the system status becomes the displayed status, and then reenter the command.
For dcstop:
Wait till the system status becomes the displayed status, and then reenter the command. Alternatively, enter dcstop -f.