OpenTP1 Version 7 Messages


KFCA01819-E (L+E)

OpenTP1 cannot continue. reason: aa...aa

aa...aa: Indicates the cause of the error.
COMMUNICATION: Inter-process communication error
MEMORY: Insufficient memory
LOCK: Lock error
UAP NOT START: Start of standby process failed.
NO SPACE: The capacity under $DCDIR is running short.
USER_COMMAND_ONLINE: The command of completion of starting system cannot start, or terminated abnormally.
S: Stops OpenTP1.
O: Remove the cause of the error and restart OpenTP1.
COMMUNICATION: Examine the cause of the network error.
MEMORY: Check the real memory size or the swap area size of the OS.
LOCK: Increase max_open_fds in the system common definition. Or, increase the number of file tables by a system parameter. For details about changing the system parameter, see the relevant OS documentation.
UAP NOT START: Correct the error indicated in KFCA01812-E, then restart the system.
NO SPACE: Check the disk capacity and delete unnecessary files.
USER_COMMAND_ONLINE: Check the command of completion of starting system.