OpenTP1 Version 7 Messages



error occurred during aaaa(xx...xx) journal swap processing. reason code=bbbb

aaaa: Type of journal file
sys: System journal file
jar: Archive journal file
xx...xx: Resource group name
bbbb: Reason code (Up to four numerals)
101: Insufficient memory
103: Network failure caused by any of the following:
  • Hardware failure in the Ethernet board or cable.
  • Incorrect network definition
  • Target node is not running, or OpenTP1 is not running on the node.
  • Target process is not being executed.
105: Timeout
S: Stops the system.
O: For reason code 103:
  1. Check the node connection status using the command provided by the OS.
  2. Check the execution status for servers using the command provided by OpenTP1.
For reason code 105:
  1. Check the definition file.
Countermeasure: For reason code 101, re-estimate the memory. For reason code 105, check max_socket_descriptors in the system journal service definition file.