OpenTP1 Version 7 Messages


KFCA01200-E (L+E)

failure to open aaaa (xx...xx) journal file. element file:,system A/B: c, reason code=dddd-ee

The physical file cannot be opened.
aaaa: Type of journal file. (Up to four alphanumeric characters)
sys: System journal file
jar: Archive journal file
xx...xx: Resource group name Element file name (Up to eight alphanumerics)
c: System
a: System A
b: System B
dddd: Reason code (Up to four numerals)
ee: OpenTP1 internal code
The table below shows the reason codes and countermeasures.
S: Places the file that caused error into the shutdown state and continues processing.
O: Take a proper action according to the reason code.
Reason code Meaning Operator's action OpenTP1 administrator's action
101 Insufficient memory -- Re-estimate the memory.
202 The specified special file name is not a character-type special file, or no device is connected for the special file. -- Check the physical file specification in the jnladdpf command for system journal service definition.
203 The device specified by path is not initialized for OpenTP1 file system. --
207 Opening the character-type special file causes the number of opened files to exceed the upper limit. Close any file that the journal service is not currently using, and open the special file. Check the upper limit of the number of files that can be opened in one process, and, if necessary, re-create the kernel.
208 Access to the specified special file is not authorized. Enter the fills command to check the access authority for OpenTP1 files. --
209 An I/O error occurred. Investigate the cause of I/O error, and take countermeasures. --
210 OpenTP1 file system versions unmatch. Enter the filmkfs command to re-create the OpenTP1 file system. Then, enter the jnlinit command to re-create the journal file. --
211 Access to the specified file is not authorized. Enter the fills command to check the access authority for journal files. --
212 The specified file does not exist. -- Check the physical file specification in the jnladdpf command for system journal service definition.
218 The specified file cannot be used as a journal file. Enter the jnlrm command to delete the physical file that caused error, then enter the jnlinit command to create a file. --
220 The specified file is not a journal file. -- Check the physical file specification in the jnladdpf command for system journal service definition.
221 Insufficient lock segment -- Check the number of the record lock segments that was specified during establishment of the OS.
222 An attempt was made to open the journal file that was being used by another process. Check if another process is using the journal file. Re-open the journal file if required. --
603 Management information on the physical file is corrupted. Enter the jnlrm command to delete the physical file that caused the error, then enter the jnlinit command to allocate a new file. --
605 The file construction information on the physical file differs from the current file construction. Return the system journal service definition or global archive journal service definition to the status when the journal file was used. --
1607 This is an initial file that has never served as a current file. -- --
--: Not applicable