OpenTP1 Version 7 Messages


KFCA00990-I (L+E)

transaction branch recovery is complete. TRNGID=aaaaaaaabbbbbbbb, TRNBID=aaaaaaaacccccccc, server=dd...dd,, completion type=f, gg

TRNGID: Transaction global ID
TRNBID: Transaction branch ID
aaaaaaaa: OpenTP1 system node ID (8-character string)
bbbbbbbb: Global transaction number (hexadecimal 8-character string)
cccccccc: Transaction branch number (hexadecimal 8-character string)
dd...dd: Server name (up to 8-character string) Service name (up to 32-character string)
f: Completion type of the transaction branch
c: Commit
r: Rollback
gg: Completion type of the child transaction branch
c: Commit
r: Rollback
hc: Commit determination by heuristic commit command
hr: Rollback determination by heuristic commit command
hm: Heuristic mix
Determination of the RM or child branch to both commit and rollback.
hh: Heuristic hazard
The determination of the RM or child branch cannot be recognized by the transaction branch due to a communication error, etc.
If this completion type is displayed, the determination of the RM or child branch may differ from the determination of the transaction branch. Examine the contents of the OpenTP1 message log file and the RM log file to check the result of the synchronization point for the RM or child branch that caused the error and the global transaction branch.