OpenTP1 Version 7 Messages


KFCA00981-W (L+E)

cannot monitor CPU time for transaction branch. TRNGID=aaaaaaaabbbbbbbb, TRNBID=aaaaaaaacccccccc, server=dd...dd,

TRNGID: Transaction global ID
TRNBID: Transaction branch ID
aaaaaaaa: OpenTP1 system node ID (8-character string)
bbbbbbbb: Global transaction number (hexadecimal 8-character string)
cccccccc: Transaction branch number (hexadecimal 8-character string)
dd...dd: Server name (up to 8-character string) Service name (up to 32-character string)
S: Terminates OpenTP1 abnormally.
Countermeasure: Remove the cause of the error indicated by the timer service message, output immediately before this message. Then, restart OpenTP1.