OpenTP1 Version 7 Programming Reference COBOL Language


TXROLLBACK - Roll back a global transaction


*  Include TX definitions.


TXROLLBACK is used to roll back the work of the transaction active in the caller's thread of control.

If the transaction_control characteristic (see TXSETTRANCTL) is

TX-UNCHAINED, when TXROLLBACK returns, the caller is no longer in transaction mode. However, if the transaction_control characteristic is

TX-CHAINED, when TXROLLBACK returns, the caller remains in transaction mode on behalf of a new transaction (see the Return value and Errors sections below).

Optional set-up

<<TXROLLBACK cannot be called from MHPs.>>

<<Data areas>>


The results of TXROLLBACK execution are returned to this area.>>

Return value

Upon successful completion, TXROLLBACK sets TX-OK, a non-negative return value.

<<0 is returned.>>

<<A new global transaction is started if the transaction_control characteristic is TX-CHAINED.>>

<<If the SPP which has issued TXROLLBACK is not the root transaction branch, actual rollback is not conducted, but only the fact that the transaction branch is in the rollback_only state is recorded. Transaction mode remains in effect until a rollback instruction is given during synchronization point processing for the root transaction branch.>>


Under the following conditions, TXROLLBACK fails and sets one of these negative values.

The transaction rolled back; however, a new transaction could not be started and the caller is no longer in transaction mode. This return value occurs only when the transaction_control characteristic is TX-CHAINED.

The transaction was partially committed and partially rolled back. In addition, if the transaction_control characteristic is TX-CHAINED, a new transaction is started.

The transaction was partially committed and partially rolled back. In addition, a new transaction could not be started and the caller is no longer in transaction mode. This return value can occur only when the transaction_control characteristic is TX-CHAINED.

Due to a failure, the transaction may have been partially committed and partially rolled back. In addition, if the transaction_control characteristic is TX-CHAINED, a new transaction is started.

Due to a failure, the transaction may have been partially committed and partially rolled back. In addition, a new transaction could not be started and the caller is no longer in transaction mode. This return value can occur only when the transaction_control characteristic is TX-CHAINED.

The transaction was heuristically committed. In addition, if the transaction_control characteristic is TX-CHAINED, a new transaction is started.

The transaction was heuristically committed. In addition, a new transaction could not be started and the caller is no longer in transaction mode. This return value can occur only when the transaction_control characteristic is TX-CHAINED.

The function was called in an improper context (for example, the caller is not in transaction mode).

Either the transaction manager or one or more of the resource managers encountered a fatal error. The nature of the error is such that the transaction manager and/or one or more of the resource managers can no longer perform work on behalf of the application. The caller's state with respect to the transaction is unknown.

See also


<<Notes on use with OpenTP1>>

  1. <<If the transaction_control characteristic is TX-CHAINED, only the root transaction branch (the UAP which has called TXBEGIN) can call TXROLLBACK.>>
  2. <<If the transaction_control characteristic is TX-UNCHAINED, TXROLLBACK can be called by no-root transaction branches. However, processing varies depending on the caller is a root or non-root transaction branch. If the caller is the root branch, it requests non-root branches via RPC for rollback. If the TXROLLBACK caller is a non-root branch, the caller only records rollback_only and does not call a rollback request via RPC to the root branch. The caller non-root branch will initiate rollback after it is instructed by the root branch.>>
  3. <<TXROLLBACK cannot be used along with OpenTP1 CBLDCTRN. >>