OpenTP1 Version 7 Programming Reference COBOL Language


SEND - Update temporarily-stored data


DATA DIVISION (communication description entry) specification

CD  communication-description-name
     [STATUS  KEY  IS  data-name-1].
01 unique-name-1.
   02 data-name-2  PIC  9(4) COMP.
   02 data-name-3  PIC  X(4).
   02 data-name-4  PIC  X(n).


SEND  communication-description-name  FROM  unique-name-1.


SEND enables the following CALL interface facility:

Items specified in the communication description entry

FOR clause

Specify I-O STORAGE.


Specify this clause to receive a status code. If this clause is omitted, a status code cannot be received.

Item specified in the communication statement


Specify the data item storing temporary-stored data. The following figure shows the send segment format:


Status codes

Status code Explanation
00000 Normal termination.
71103 The area for updating temporary-stored data could not be acquired.
72000 The SEND statement that updates temporary-stored data cannot be used from an SPP.
72024 The value specified for the FOR clause is invalid.
72035 The specified update data length exceeds the length of the temporary-stored data storage area specified in the MCF application definition.
The value specified for the update data length is less than 7 bytes.
72101 SEND statement that updates the temporary-stored data was used by an MHP which is not continuous-inquiry-response type (type=cont).
72105 SEND statement that receives the temporary-stored data was used before RECEIVE statement.
72106 SEND statement that updates the temporary-stored data was used before RECEIVE statement that receives the first segment.
72107 SEND statement that updates the temporary-stored data was used after DISABLE statement that terminates the continuous inquiry response.
Other than the above An unprecedented error (e.g., program damage) occurred.