OpenTP1 Version 7 Programming Reference COBOL Language


CBLDCMCF('TEMPGET ') - Accept temporarily-stored data



CALL  'CBLDCMCF'  USING  unique-name-1  unique-name-2

DATA DIVISION specification

01  unique-name-1.
    02  data-name-A    PIC X(8) VALUE 'TEMPGET '.
    02  data-name-B    PIC X(5).
    02  FILLER        PIC X(3).
    02  data-name-C    PIC X(4).
    02  data-name-D    PIC X(4).
    02  data-name-E    PIC 9(8).
    02  data-name-F    PIC 9(8).
    02  data-name-G    PIC 9(9) COMP.
    02  data-name-H    PIC X(4).
    02  data-name-I    PIC X(4).
    02  data-name-J    PIC X(4).
    02  data-name-K    PIC X(4).
    02  data-name-L    PIC X(8).
    02  data-name-M1   PIC X(4).
    02  data-name-M2   PIC X(8).
    02  data-name-M3   PIC X(4).
    02  data-name-M4   PIC 9(9) COMP.
    02  data-name-M5   PIC 9(9) COMP.
    02  data-name-M6   PIC X(1).
    02  data-name-M7   PIC X(1).
    02  data-name-N    PIC X(14).
01  unique-name-2.
    02  data-name-O    PIC X(4).
    02  data-name-P    PIC X(8).
    02  data-name-Q    PIC X(8).
    02  data-name-R    PIC X(8).
    02  data-name-S    PIC X(28).
01  unique-name-3.
    02  data-name-T    PIC 9(x) COMP.
    02  data-name-U    PIC X(x).
    02  data-name-V    PIC X(n).


CBLDCMCF('TEMPGET ') receives data stored in the temporary memory area.

For data-name-G, specify a value from 1 to 32,000 bytes. If the temporary-stored data exceeds the length specified for data-name-G, the excess portion is truncated. If the temporary-stored data is shorter than the length specified for data-name-G, no processing is done for the remaining receive area.

If there is no temporary-stored data, the temporary-stored data is received on the assumption that (00)16 equivalent to the length specified for tempsize in the MCF application definition is specified.

The figure below shows the format of the receive segment area (indicated by unique-name-3).


Data area whose values are set in the UAP


Specify VALUE 'TEMPGET[Figure]' for the request code indicating to accept temporarily-stored data.

data-name-C, data-name-D

Specify space.

data-name-E, data-name-F

These areas are used by the MCF.


Specify the length of the area for receiving temporary-stored data. The number of bytes to be specified varies depending on the buffer format.

data-name-H, data-name-I, data-name-J, data-name-K, data-name-L, data-name-M1, data-name-M2, data-name-M3

Specify space.

data-name-M4, data-name-M5

Specify 0.


Specify space.


Specify the buffer format to be used. The following values are available:

'1': Specify this value to use buffer format 1.

'2': Specify this value to use buffer format 2.


Specify LOW-VALUE.

data-name-O, data-name-P, data-name-Q, data-name-R

Specify space.


Specify LOW-VALUE.


With buffer format 1: PIC X(8)

With buffer format 2: PIC X(4)

This area is used by the MCF.

Data values whose values are returned from OpenTP1


A status code of 5 digits is returned.


With buffer format 1: PIC 9(9)

With buffer format 2: PIC 9(4)

The length of the previously updated data is set.


The temporary-stored data is returned.

Status codes

Status code Explanation
00000 Normal termination.
72000 The temporary-stored data cannot be received from an SPP.
72013 Temporary-stored data exceeding the length of the receive area was received. The excess portion was truncated. With buffer format 2, the excess portion is truncated if the data exceeds 32,761 bytes.
72016 The value specified for data-name-N or S is invalid.
72028 The value specified for data-name-A is invalid.
72036 The receive area length specified for data-name-G is less than 9 bytes (with buffer format 1) or less than 7 bytes (with buffer format 2).
72101 CBLDCMCF('TEMPGET ') was called from an MHP for which type=cont (continuous-inquiry- response type) was not specified in the MCF application definition.
72106 CBLDCMCF('TEMPGET ') was called before the memory receive statement for receiving the first segment.
72107 CBLDCMCF('TEMPGET ') was called after a termination request for continuous-inquiry-response processing.
Other than the above An unprecedented error (e.g., program damage) occurred.