OpenTP1 Version 7 Programming Reference COBOL Language


CBLDCMCF('SEND ') - Send a message


For details on the format, see the applicable OpenTP1 Protocol manual.


CBLDCMCF('SEND ') sends a logical message to other system.

The maximum length of a single message segment that can be sent is 32 kilobytes. Note that the actual value might be smaller depending on the protocol. For details, see the applicable OpenTP1 Protocol manual.

The values to be set in the data areas and the status codes vary from one protocol to another. For details, see the applicable OpenTP1 Protocol manual.


CBLDCMCF('SEND ') registers messages in the OTQ in the same order in which the messages were issued. The messages will be processed on a first-in, first-out basis at each logical terminal. If a message is at the start of the OTQ of a particular logical terminal and the corresponding transaction has been committed (for a non-transaction MHP, when the service function has returned a value), the message is fetched from the OTQ and processed.

If multiple UAPs issue CBLDCMCF('SEND ') to the same logical terminal at the same time, the first message in the OTQ will be processed first, provided that it satisfies the above conditions. The subsequent messages in the OTQ registered by other UAPs will not be processed until the first message is processed. Therefore, if the service function does not return after CBLDCMCF('SEND ') is issued, or if CBLDCMCF('COMMIT ') has not been issued, message transmission (or application activation) from other UAPs to the same logical terminal will be delayed. Be careful not to cause delays from CBLDCMCF('SEND ') issuance to service function return or CBLDCMCF('COMMIT ') issuance.


The message send order varies depending on the mcfmuap -c order specification in the UAP common definition of the MCF manager definition.