OpenTP1 Version 7 Programming Reference COBOL Language


CBLDCMCF('ADLTAP ') - Delete an application timer start request



CALL 'CBLDCMCF' USING unique-name-1 unique-name-2

DATA DIVISION specification

01 unique-name-1.
02 data-name-A PIC X(8) VALUE 'ADLTAP '.
02 data-name-B PIC X(5).
02 data-name-C PIC X(4) VALUE SPACE.
02 data-name-D PIC X(28) VALUE SPACE.
02 data-name-E PIC 9(9) COMP.
02 data-name-F1 PIC X(8).
02 data-name-F2 PIC X(56) VALUE SPACE.
02 data-name-G PIC X(8) VALUE SPACE.
02 data-name-H PIC X(8) VALUE SPACE.
02 data-name-I PIC X(144) VALUE SPACE.
02 data-name-J PIC X(184) VALUE SPACE.
02 data-name-K PIC 9(9) COMP VALUE ZERO.
01 unique-name-2.
02 data-name-L PIC 9(9) COMP VALUE ZERO.


CBLDCMCF('ADLTAP ') deletes a specified application timer start request and cancels startup of the application. Note that this function cannot delete application timer start requests of the ans and cont types.

Data areas whose values are set in the UAP


Specify VALUE 'ADLTAP[Figure]' for the request code indicating deletion of an application timer start request.

data-name-C, data-name-D

Specify a space.


Specify the application start process identifier of the application start service that has the target application that is to be processed. The permitted value range is from 1 to 239.


Specify the name of the application whose start is to be canceled. Express the application name as a maximum of 8 bytes. If the specified name is shorter than 8 bytes, pad the name with trailing spaces.

data-name-F2, data-name-G, data-name-H, data-name-I, data-name-J

Specify a space.

data-name-K, data-name-L

Specify 0.

Data area to which a value is returned from OpenTP1


A status code of 5 digits is returned.

Status codes

Status code Explanation
00000 Normal termination.
71001 CBLDCMCF('ADLTAP ') cannot be accepted because MCF is under start processing.
71002 CBLDCMCF('ADLTAP ') cannot be accepted because MCF is under termination processing.
71004 A memory shortage occurred during CBLDCMCF('ADLTAP ') processing.
71005 A communication error occurred. For the cause, see the message log file.
71006 An internal error occurred. For the cause, see the message log file.
71007 The specified application name has not been registered.
No timer start request has been issued for the specified application name.
The specified application name belongs to an application whose type is inquiry-response or continuous-inquiry-response.
71009 CBLDCMCF('ADLTAP ') is not supported by the applicable application start process.
71010 Although the request to delete the specified application timer start request was issued, the request was not accepted. For the cause, see the message log file.
72028 The value specified for data-name-A is invalid.
72052 A nonzero value is specified for data-name-K.
72053 A nonzero value is specified for data-name-L.
72058 The value specified for data-name-C is not a space.
72059 The value specified for data-name-D is not a space.
72061 A value of 0 or smaller or greater than 239 is specified for data-name-E.
72063 data-name-F1 begins with a space.
72065 The value specified for data-name-F2 is not a space.
72066 The value specified for data-name-G is not a space.
72068 The value specified for data-name-H is not a space.
72070 The value specified for data-name-I is not a space.
72072 The value specified for data-name-J is not a space.
72074 The character string specified for data-name-F1 contains an invalid character.