OpenTP1 Version 7 Programming Reference COBOL Language


CBLDCJUP('RDGETRPT') - Input journal data of the jnlrput output file



CALL  'CBLDCJUP'  USING unique-name-1 unique-name-2
               unique-name-3 unique-name-4 unique-name-5

DATA DIVISION specification

01  unique-name-1.
    02  data-name-A   PIC X(8) VALUE 'RDGETRPT'.
    02  data-name-B   PIC X(5).
    02  FILLER      PIC X(3).
    02  data-name-Z   PIC S9(9) COMP VALUE ZERO.
01  unique-name-2.
    02  FILLER      PIC X(256).
    02  data-name-C   PIC S9(9) COMP.
    02  data-name-D   PIC 9(9) COMP.
    02  data-name-E   PIC 9(9) COMP.
01  unique-name-3.
    02  data-name-F   PIC 9(9) COMP.
    02  data-name-G   PIC X(1).
    02  data-name-Y   PIC X(1).
    02  FILLER       PIC X(2).
    02  data-name-H   PIC X(4).
    02  data-name-I    PIC X(8).
    02  data-name-J    PIC X(9).
    02  FILLER       PIC X(3).
    02  data-name-K   PIC X(4).
    02  data-name-L   PIC X(8).
    02  FILLER       PIC X(12).
    02  data-name-M   PIC X(12).
    02  data-name-N   PIC X(12).
    02  FILLER       PIC X(1).
    02  FILLER       PIC X(3).
    02  FILLER       PIC 9(9) COMP.
    02  data-name-W   PIC X(4).
    02  FILLER       PIC X(36).
01  unique-name-4.
    02  data-name-O.
        03  data-name-O1  PIC 9(9) COMP.
        03  data-name-O2  PIC 9(9) COMP.
        03  FILLER       PIC X(120).
    02  data-name-P  REDEFINES  data-name-O.
        03  data-name-P1  PIC X(2).
        03  data-name-P2  PIC X(1).
        03  data-name-P3  PIC X(1).
        03  data-name-P4  PIC X(4).
        03  data-name-P5  PIC X(4).
        03  data-name-P6  PIC X(4).
        03  data-name-P7  PIC X(4).
        03  data-name-P8  PIC X(9).
        03  FILLER       PIC X(3).
        03  data-name-P9  PIC X(32).
        03  data-name-P10 PIC X(4).
        03  data-name-P11 PIC X(4).
        03  data-name-P12 PIC X(4).
        03  data-name-P13 PIC X(4).
        03  data-name-P14 PIC X(4).
        03  data-name-P15 PIC X(4).
        03  FILLER       PIC X(40).
    02  data-name-Q  REDEFINES  data-name-O.
        03  data-name-Q1  PIC X(16).
        03  data-name-Q2  PIC X(10).
        03  FILLER       PIC X(2).
        03  data-name-Q3  PIC X(12).
        03  data-name-Q4  PIC X(9).
        03  FILLER       PIC X(3).
        03  data-name-Q5  PIC X(1).
        03  data-name-Q6  PIC X(1).
        03  FILLER       PIC X(2).
        03  data-name-Q7  PIC 9(9) COMP.
        03  FILLER       PIC X(68).
    02  data-name-R  REDEFINES  data-name-O.
        03  data-name-R1  PIC X(16).
        03  data-name-R2  PIC X(10).
        03  data-name-R3  PIC X(1).
        03  data-name-R4  PIC X(1).
        03  FILLER      PIC X(2).
        03  data-name-R5  PIC 9(9) COMP.
        03  FILLER      PIC X(88).
    02  data-name-S  REDEFINES  data-name-O.
        03  data-name-S1  PIC X(16).
        03  data-name-S2  PIC X(10).
        03  FILLER      PIC X(2).
        03  data-name-S3  PIC X(1).
        03  data-name-S4  PIC X(1).
        03  FILLER      PIC X(2).
        03  data-name-S5  PIC 9(9) COMP.
        03  data-name-S6  PIC 9(9) COMP.
        03  FILLER      PIC X(88).
    02  data-name-T  REDEFINES  data-name-O.
        03  data-name-T1  PIC X(16).
        03  data-name-T2  PIC X(10).
        03  FILLER      PIC X(2).
        03  data-name-T3  PIC X(1).
        03  data-name-T4 PIC X(1).
        03  FILLER       PIC X(2).
        03  data-name-T5 PIC 9(9) COMP.
        03  FILLER       PIC X(92).
    02  data-name-U  REDEFINES  data-name-O.
        03  data-name-U1 PIC X(16).
        03  data-name-U2 PIC X(10).
        03  FILLER       PIC X(2).
        03  data-name-U3 PIC X(12).
        03  data-name-U4 PIC 9(9) COMP.
        03  FILLER      PIC X(84).
01  unique-name-5.
    02  data-name-V      PIC X(n).


CBLDCJUP('RDGETRPT') inputs journal data in units of (record management information (unique-name-3) + record data header (unique-name-4) + record data (unique-name-5)) sequentially from the jnlrput command output file.

Open the jnlrput command output file with CBLDCJUP('OPENRPT ') before inputting journal data with CBLDCJUP('RDGETRPT').

Specify the length of the journal data input buffer for data-name-V. Specify the same length as the specified journal data length. If the length specified for data-name-V is less than the journal data length, operation of CBLDCJUP('RDGETRPT') is undefined.

When the journal data length specified for data-name-D is greater than the actual journal data, the journal data is input and the length of the actual journal data is returned in data-name-E.

If the journal data length specified for data-name-D is less than the actual journal data, CBLDCJUP('RDGETRPT') returns with an error.

If an input error occurs, CBLDCJUP('RDGETRPT') closes the jnlrput command output file and returns.

When end of file is detected, no journal data is returned.

Specify the file descriptor returned from CBLDCJUP('OPENRPT ') for CBLDCJUP('RDGETRPT').

Data areas whose values are set in the UAP


Specify VALUE 'RDGETRPT' for the request code indicating that journal data of the jnlrput command output file is input.


Specify 0.


Specify the file descriptor.


Specify the length of journal data to be input. The length can be 1 to the value of the jnl_max_datasize operand in the target system journal service definition.

Data areas to which values are returned from OpenTP1


A status code of 5 digits is returned.


The length of input journal data is returned.


The total length of unique-name-3, unique-name-4, and unique-name-5 is returned.


The record type of input journal data is returned:

'U': UJ record is returned.

'S': SJ record is returned.

'I': IJ record is returned.

'M': MJ record is returned.

'O': OJ record is returned.

'A': AJ record is returned.

'G' : GJ record is returned.


A value indicating whether transaction ID setting information exists in input journal data is returned.

0x00: Transaction ID setting information does not exist.

0x80: Transaction ID setting information exists. If this value is returned, the record transaction global identifier is returned to data-name-M and the record transaction branch identifier is returned to data-name-N.


The record acquisition time in input journal data is returned.


The record acquisition requesting node identifier in input journal data is returned.


The record acquisition requesting server name in input journal data is returned.


The record acquisition requesting server time stamp in input journal data is returned.


The record user information in input journal data is returned.


The record transaction global identifier in input journal data is returned. If the UJ is outside the transaction, 0 is returned.


The record transaction branch identifier in input journal data is returned. If the UJ is outside the transaction, 0 is returned.


The record acquisition time (in microseconds) of the input journal data is returned.

However, if you input a file to which you previously edited and output journal data of a version earlier than TP1/Server Base 06-01 using the jnlrput command, 0 is returned.


The data header information of input UJ data is returned. The value returned in data-name-O is valid only when U is returned in data-name-G.


The data header information of input SJ data is returned. The value returned in data-name-P is valid only when S is returned in data-name-G.


The data header information of input IJ data is returned. The value returned in data-name-Q is valid only when I is returned in data-name-G.


The data header information of input MJ data is returned. The value returned in data-name-R is valid only when M is returned in data-name-G.


The data header information of input OJ data is returned. The value returned in data-name-S is valid only when O is returned in data-name-G.


The data header information of input AJ data is returned. The value returned in data-name-T is valid only when A is returned in data-name-G.


The data header information of input GJ data is returned. The value returned in data-name-U is valid only when G is returned in data-name-G.


The input journal data is returned. The data invalid as journal data is in the length returned in data-name-E.

The value returned in data-name-V is valid only when U, I, M, O, or G is returned in data-name-G.

Status codes

Status code Explanation
00000 The file descriptor was set in data-name-D normally.
01275 End of file was detected.
01101 The request code (data-name-A) is invalid.
01271 The file descriptor specified for data-name-C is not the one which was acquired by opening the jnlrput command output file normally.
The jnlrput command output file is not open.
01276 The length specified for data-name-D is less than the data length.
01274 An input error (read error) occurred.