
OpenTP1 Version 7 分散トランザクション処理機能 OpenTP1 プログラム作成リファレンス C言語編

7.5.2 各ファイルの例題



(1) IDLファイルの例


  10   /*
  20    *  (1)IDLファイルの例 sample.idl
  30    */
  40   [
  50   uuid(f990a82a-10e5-11ce-9b02-0000870000ff),
  60   version(1.0),
  70   transaction_mandatory
  80   ]
  90   interface sample_ope
 100   {
 110     const  long  NAME_LENGTH = 20;  /* size of name field in record */
 120     const  long  AGE_LEN = 3;       /* size of age field in record */
 130     const  long  MAXRECORD = 10;    /* max number of record in database */
 150     /*struct info : record format of customer information database */
 160     typedef struct  info{
 170       char  name[NAME_LENGTH];  /* name (20 byte) */
 180       char  sex;                /* sex (1 byte) */
 190       char  age[AGE_LEN];       /* age (3 byte) */
 200       long  sale;               /* sale (4 byte) */
 210     }info_t;
 230      error_status_t  getinfo
 240     (
 250       [in] unsigned   char  name[NAME_LENGTH],  /* input parameter */
 260       [out] info_t    *ptr                      /* output parameter */
 270     );
 280   }
 290   /* EOF */

(2) クライアントプログラムの例


  10   /*
  20    *    (2)クライアントプログラムの例
  30    *  注意事項:ndceタイプの場合は dc_rpc_open(),dc_adm_complete(),
  40    *           dc_rpc_close()が必要です。
  50    *           wdceタイプの場合は dc_clt_cltin(),dc_rpc_open(),
  60    *           dc_rpc_close(),dc_clt_cltin()が必要です。インクルードする
  70    *           ヘッダファイルは,TP1/Clientのライブラリを使ってください。
  80    *  clt.c
  90    *  Functions = main() 
 100    */
 120   #include <stdio.h>
 130   #include <dcrpc.h>
 140   #include <dctrp.h>
 150   #include <dcadm.h>
 160   #include <tx.h>
 170   #include "sample.h"
 190   /*
 200    *  Program Specification
 210    *  construct customer information database. allow actions noted the following.
 220    *    * reference processing
 230    *      refer the information using "name" as a key.
 240    *
 250    *  customer information database
 260    *  *--------------------------------------------*
 270    *  | name         | sex    | age    | sale      |
 280    *  |--------------------------------------------|
 290    *  | Suzuki       | Male   | 30     | 1,000,000 |
 300    *  | Okada        | Female | 23     | 1,500,000 |
 310    *  | Yoshida      | Female | 26     |   800,000 |
 320    *  | Saitoh       | Male   | 24     | 1,000,000 |
 330    *  | Itoh         | Male   | 35     | 1,800,000 |
 340    *  | Nishikawa    | Male   | 20     |   300,000 |
 350    *  | Katoh        | Female | 28     | 1,000,000 |
 360    *  | Satoh        | Female | 27     | 2,100,000 |
 370    *  | Hasegawa     | Male   | 25     |   600,000 |
 380    *  | Tumura       | Male   | 24     | 1,100,000 |
 390    *  *--------------------------------------------*
 400    *
 410    *  This program requires service.
 420    *    <refer>  refer Tumura's information.
 430    *
 440    */
 450   /*
 460    *  name = main()
 470    *  func = Client program for sample_ope interface
 480    *       (1)service requirement(reference)
 490    *       (2)output result of service requirement
 500    *  arg = nothing
 510    *  return = void
 520    */
 540   int  main()
 550   {
 560     static unsigned char name[] = "Tumura";  /* input parameter */
 570     info_t out_data;                         /* output parameter */
 580     error_status_t status;                   /* return code for server */
 590     int     rc;                              /* return code */
 610   /*
 620    *  Start UAP
 630    */
 640     rc = dc_rpc_open(DCNOFLAGS);
 650     /* error processing */
 660     if(rc != DC_OK){
 670       fprintf(stderr,"client:dc_rpc_open failed. rc = %d\n",rc);
 680       goto END;
 690     }
 710     /*
 720     **  Post the completion of user process start processing
 730     */
 740     rc = dc_adm_complete(DCNOFLAGS);
 750     /* error processing */
 760     if(rc != DC_OK){
 770       fprintf(stderr,"client:dc_adm_complete failed. rc = %d\n",rc);
 780       goto END;
 790     }
 810   /*
 820    *  Begin  transaction
 830    */
 850     rc = tx_begin();
 860     /* error processing */
 870     if(rc != DC_OK){
 880       fprintf(stderr,"client:tx_begin failed. rc = %d\n",rc);
 890       goto END;
 900     }
 920   /*
 930    *  getinfo:
 940    *  get information for input parameter
 950    */
 960     status = getinfo(name,&out_data);
 970     if(status != 0){
 980       fprintf(stderr,"client:getinfo failed.rc = %d\n",status);
 990     }else{
1000       fprintf(stdout,"NAME: %s SEX: %c AGE: %s SALE:%ld\n",
1010 ,
1020 ,
1030           out_data.age,
1040 ;
1050     }
1060   /*
1070    *  commit  transaction
1080    */
1100     rc = tx_commit();  
1110     /* error processing */
1120     if(rc != DC_OK){
1130       fprintf(stderr,"client:tx_commit failed. rc = %d\n",rc);
1140       goto END;
1150     }
1160   /*
1170    *  Termination processing
1180    */
1190   END:
1200     dc_rpc_close(DCNOFLAGS);
1210     return(0);
1220   }

(3) マネジャプログラムの例


  10   /*
  20    *
  30    *    (3)マネジャプログラムの例
  40    *  sv.c
  50    *  Data Table = customers
  60    *  Functions = main()
  70    *        getinfo()
  80    */
 100   #include <stdio.h>
 110   #include <string.h>
 120   #include "sample.h"
 140   /*
 150    *  name   = customers
 160    *  func   = customer information database
 170    *  field  = name(20byte)
 180    *      sex(1byte)
 190    *      age(3byte)
 200    *      sale(4byte)
 210    *  record  = 10 record(1 record = 28 byte)
 220    */
 230   static info_t customers[MAXRECORD] = 
 240           { {"Suzuki",  'M',"30",1000000},
 250             {"Okada",    'F',"23",1500000},
 260             {"Yoshida",  'F',"26", 800000},
 270             {"Saitoh",  'M',"24",1000000},
 280             {"Itoh",    'M',"35",1800000},
 290             {"Nishikawa",  'M',"20", 300000},
 300             {"Katoh",    'F',"28",1000000},
 310             {"Satoh",    'F',"27",2100000},
 320             {"Hasegawa",  'M',"25", 600000},
 330             {"Tumura",  'M',"24",1100000}
 340       };
 360   /*
 370    *  name = getinfo()
 380    *  func = Manager routine for sample_ope interface
 390    *    (1)search suitable record.
 400    *    (2)set found record to output parameter.
 410    *  arg =   name   :i: name
 420    *      out_data:o: information for input parameter
 430    *  return = result
 440    *      0 : success getinfo
 450    */
 470   error_status_t  getinfo(name,out_data)
 480   unsigned char  *name;
 490   info_t  *out_data;
 500   {
 510     int i;          /* counter of for loop */
 520     info_t *ptr;    /* pointer for search record */
 540   /* point 1st record of database(customers) */
 550     ptr = customers;
 570   /* search until find record with same name or end of database */
 580     for (i = 0; i < MAXRECORD; i++, ptr++) {
 590       /* compare name */
 600       if(strcmp(name,ptr->name) == 0) {
 610         memcpy(out_data,ptr,sizeof(info_t));
 620         return (0);  
 630         }
 640     }
 650     return(1);
 660   }

(4) ACFファイルの例


  10   /*
  20    *
  30    *    (4) ACFファイルの例 RPC TxRPCでだけ使えます。
  40    *  sample.acf
  50    */
  70   [auto_handle] interface sample_ope
  80   {
  90     [comm_status, fault_status] getinfo();
 100   }

(5) サーバプログラムのテンプレート例

txidlコマンドの引数に指定する値によって,サーバプログラムのテンプレート例は異なります。-sptype ndceオプションを指定した場合の例を次に示します。

  10   /*
  20    *
  30    *    (5)サーバプログラムのテンプレート(名称 : serv.c)
  40    *    <-sptype ndceの場合>
  50    */
  70   #include <dctrp.h>
  90   main()
 100   {
 110     idl_long_int rc;
 120     rc = dc_rpc_open(DCNOFLAGS);
 130     if(rc != DC_OK) {
 140       printf("server : dc_rpc_open failed. rc=%d\n", rc);
 150       goto end_of_program;
 160     }
 170     rc=dc_rpc_mainloop(DCNOFLAGS);
 180     if(rc != DC_OK) {
 190       printf("server : dc_rpc_mainloop failed. rc=%d\n", rc);
 200     }
 210   end_of_program:
 220     dc_rpc_close(DCNOFLAGS);
 230     exit(0);
 240   }

(6) ユーザサービス定義のテンプレート例


(7) 環境定義のテンプレートの例


  10   /*
  20    *    (7)環境定義 テンプレートの例
  30    *       <-cptype wdce の場合>
  40    */
  60   #Set the 2 definition below
  80   #DCNAMPORT = 
 100   #DCHOST = 
 120   #Add any definition you need.