OpenTP1 Version 7 Programming Reference C Language


txidl (IDL compiler)


txidl  filename  [argument] ...


The txidl command activates the TxRPC interface definition language compiler.

Arguments to be specified for argument

-cptype process_type

Specify a client process type. Specify either of the following values for the process_type:

If no value is specified, ndce is assumed. The program does not run if compiled with an incorrect process type specified. (For example, the program does not run if the TP1/Server Base library is incorporated in a stub compiled with nbet specified.)

-sptype process_type

Specify a server process type. The process_type is the same as the -cptype.

If no value is specified, ndce is assumed. The program does not run if it is compiled with an incorrect process type specified. (For example, the program does not run if the TP1/Server Base library is incorporated in a stub compiled with nbet specified.)

-client file_type

Specify which client file is to be created. If this argument or file_type is not specified, the compiler creates all client files. Specify one of the following values for the file_type:

-server file_type

Specify which server file is to be created. If this argument or file_type is not specified, the compiler creates all client files. The file_type is the same as the -client.

-cstub filename

Specify the pathname of the client stub.

Do not specify an extension for the file name. The txidl compiler suffixes .c to a source file in C language. It suffixes _cstub.c to the file if the -cstub option is not used.

When the client process type is gateway and the server process type is dce, two types of stub files are created. In this case, B is prefixed to the filename of the OpenTP1 stub file name.

-sstub filename

Specify the pathname of the server stub. Do not specify an extension for the file name. The txidl compiler suffixes .c to a source file in C language. It suffixes _sstub.c to the file if the -sstub option is not used.

-header header_file

Specify the pathname of the header file to be created.

Do not specify an extension for the file name. For default, the txidl compiler suffixes .h to the base name of the IDL file.

-cconf conffile

Specify the pathname of the user service definition file or environment establishment file of the client program. If the -cconf option is not used, a file having the name with C prefixed to the base name of the IDL file is created. This option is valid only when the process type combination is IDL-only TxRPC. If this option is specified with any other process type combination, this option is simply ignored without causing an error.

-sconf conffile

Specify the pathname of the user service definition file of the server program. If the -sconf option is not used, a file having the name with S prefixed to the base name of the IDL file is created. This option is valid only when the process type combination is IDL-only TxRPC. If this option is specified with any other process type combination, this option is simply ignored without causing an error.

-out directory

Creates an output file under a specified directory. For default, the compiler creates an output file under the current directory.

A path name specified in another option has priority regardless of the specification sequence.


Specify the name of a directory containing the interface definition file to be imported. Multiple directories can be specified by specifying the additional -Idirectory argument on the command line. The compiler searches the directories in the sequence set in this argument.

If one file is under multiple directories, the compiler imports the file that first appears.

If this argument is omitted, the directories are searched in the following sequence:

  1. Current directory
  2. All specified directories
  3. System IDL directory ($DCDIR/include)


Specify this argument when the compiler is to search only the current directory for the import file. If this option is specified together with -Idirectory, the compiler searches only the directory specified by the user, but not the current and system directories.


Specify this argument when the templates of OpenTP1 user service definition and environment establishment files are not to be created. This argument is valid only when the process type combination is only IDL-only TxRPC.


Specify this argument when the template of the server program is not to be created. This argument is valid only when the process type combination is only IDL-only TxRPC.


Specify this argument when only the syntax of the IDL file is to be checked but the file is not to be output.



The txidl compiler outputs the three types of messages listed below. For details on the messages, see the indicated manuals.

  1. Messages output by the txidl compiler
    See the manual OpenTP1 Messages.
  2. Messages output by DCE idl activated by the txidl compiler
    See the corresponding DCE manuals.
  3. Messages output by cpp or cc activated by DCE idl.
    See the manual corresponding to each command.

Related files

Files related to IDL-only TxRPC are as follows:
$DCDIR/bin/txidl: IDL compiler
$DCDIR/include/dctrpb.idl: System IDL file
$DCDIR/include/dctrp.h: Header file
