OpenTP1 Version 7 Programming Reference C Language


6.6 Attributes

This subsection explains attributes used for IDL file declaration. The following attributes can be used with OpenTP1 TxRPC:

OpenTP1 IDL-only TxRPC restriction
  • The uuid attribute is ignored with IDL-only TxRPC.
  • The following attributes cause an error with IDL-only TxRPC:
    endpoint, local, context_handle, transmit_as, vl_array, vl_enum, vl_string, vl_struct, array attribute
  • The transaction_mandatory and transaction_optional attributes are valid only if the communicating processes are both ndce processes.

The explanation formats are as follows:

Indicates the format of the attribute.

Attribute meaning
Indicates the meanings of attributes.

Specification item
Indicates the items to be specified as attributes.

Explains about attributes.

Specification example
Gives examples of attribute specification.
Organization of this section
version attribute
pointer_default attribute
transaction_mandatory attribute
transaction_optional attribute
in attribute
out attribute
Pointer attribute