OpenTP1 Version 7 Programming Reference C Language


6.2 Notes on creating application programs

This section explains the notes on coding a UAP that communicates with TxRPC.

Organization of this section
(1) Notes about naming the programs used in TxRPC communication
(2) Program names that cannot be used in other than TxRPC communication
(3) TxRPC restrictions

(1) Notes about naming the programs used in TxRPC communication

A name beginning with an alphabetic character can be arbitrarily set for an operation function (service function) except the following:

Restrictions on other names (external variable and constant names) are the same as a UAP using the OpenTP1 library. For details on name restrictions, see 1.1.2 Coding rules.

The above names cannot be used for coding programs and header file identifiers.

(2) Program names that cannot be used in other than TxRPC communication

With TxRPC, the interface name is used in OpenTP1. The interface name cannot be used as the service group name in another program processing.

Do not use timope as the service group name if the interface name is timope.

(3) TxRPC restrictions

The following restrictions apply to TxRPC communication:

  1. With IDL-only TxRPC, the dc_rpc_open() and dc_adm_complete() functions must be called with a UAP.
  2. Context handles cannot be used.
  3. The macro variable cannot be declared with #ifdef in the IDL file.
  4. A compiling error occurs with a created stub, depending on the C compiler specifications.
  5. The txidl command does not check whether the file contents are compliant with the ANSI specifications. If an IDL file containing a description effective only with the ANSI specifications is compiled, the created stub can use only the C compiler compliant with the ANSI specifications.
  6. Compile the UAP and stub with the same C compiler.