OpenTP1 Version 7 Programming Reference C Language


tx_set_commit_return - Set commit_return characteristic



#include <tx.h>
int  tx_set_commit_return (COMMIT_RETURN  when_return)


#include <tx.h>
int  tx_set_commit_return (when_return)
COMMIT_RETURN when_return


The function tx_set_commit_return() sets the commit_return characteristic to the value specified in when_return. This characteristic affects the way tx_commit() behaves with respect to returning control to its caller.

tx_set_commit_return() may be called regardless of whether its caller is in transaction mode. This setting remains in effect until changed by a subsequent call to tx_set_commit_return().

The initial setting for this characteristic is implementation dependent <<in the case of OpenTP1, TX_COMMIT_COMPLETED.>>



The valid settings for when_return are as follows:


Return value

<<When return value is 0>>

Upon successful completion, tx_set_commit_return() returns TX_OK, a non-negative return value.

<<When return value is positive>>

If the transaction manager does not support the setting of when_return to TX_COMMIT_DECISION_LOGGED, it returns TX_NOT_SUPPORTED, a non-negative return value, and the commit_return characteristic remains set to its existing value. The transaction manager must support the setting of when_return to at least one of TX_COMMIT_COMPLETED or TX_COMMIT_DECISION_LOGGED. <<For OpenTP1, the return value is TX_COMMIT_RETURN.>>


Under the following conditions, tx_set_commit_return() does not change the setting of the commit_return characteristic and returns one of these negative values.

Return value Return value (numeric) Explanation
TX_EINVAL -8 The value set for when_return is neither TX_COMMIT_DECISION_LOGGED nor TX_COMMIT_COMPLETED.
TX_PROTOCOL_ERROR -5 The function was called in an improper context (for example, the caller has not yet called tx_open()).
TX_FAIL -7 The transaction manager encountered a fatal error. The nature of the error is such that the transaction manager can no longer perform work on behalf of the application.

See also

tx_commit(), tx_open(), tx_info().


<<if (tx_set_commit_return (TX_COMMIT_COMPLETED) == 0 &&
                                             tx_commit() < 0 )
     fputs ("cannot commit transaction\n", stderr);>>

<<Note on use with OpenTP1>>

  1. <<tx_set_commit_return() cannot be used along with the functions dc_trn_~().>>