OpenTP1 Version 7 Programming Reference C Language


tpfree - Free a typed buffer



#include <xatmi.h>
void tpfree (char *ptr)


#include <xatmi.h>
void tpfree (ptr)
char    *ptr;


The argument to tpfree() is a pointer to a buffer previously obtained by either tpalloc() or tprealloc(). If ptr is NULL, no action occurs. Undefined results occur if ptr does not point to a typed buffer (or if it points to space previously freed with tpfree()). Inside service routines, tpfree() returns and does not free the buffer if ptr points to the buffer passed into a service routine.

Some buffer types require state information or associated data to be removed as part of freeing a buffer. tpfree() removes any of these associations (in a communication-resource-manager-specific manner) before a buffer is freed.

Once tpfree() returns, ptr should not be passed as an argument to any XATMI routine or used in any other manner.



Specify the pointer to the buffer allocated by the function tpalloc() or tprealloc().>>

Return value

The function tpfree() does not return any value to its caller. Therefore, it is declared as a void.

Application usage

This function should not be used in concert with malloc(), realloc() or free() in the C library (for example, a buffer allocated with tpalloc() should not be freed with free()).

See also

tpalloc(), tprealloc().

<<Notes on use with OpenTP1>>

  1. <<The behavior caused by XATMI errors encountered during OSI TP communication may be different from the behavior caused by errors encountered conventional TCP/IP communication.>>