OpenTP1 Version 7 Programming Reference C Language


dc_dam_release - Release a logical file from the shutdown state



#include <dcdam.h>
int  dc_dam_release (char *lfname, DCLONG flags)


#include <dcdam.h>
int  dc_dam_release (lfname, flags)
char     *lfname;
DCLONG   flags;


The function dc_dam_release() releases a logical file which has been logically shut down by the function dc_dam_hold(). The function dc_dam_release() also releases a logical file which has been shut down due to an error.

Arguments whose values are set in the UAP


Within 1 to 8 bytes, specify the name of a logical file which is released from the shutdown state.


Specify the type of release from the shutdown state.

DCDAM_LOGICAL_RELEASE: A file logically shut down is released.

DCDAM_OBSTACLE_RELEASE: A file shut down due to an error is released.

Return values

Return value Return value (numeric) Explanation
DC_OK 0 The logical file specified for lfname was released from the shutdown state normally.
DCDAMER_PROTO -1600 The function dc_rpc_open() is not called.
N is specified for atomic_update in the user service definition. (This value is returned only when a recoverable DAM file is accessed.)
The function dc_dam_start() is not called. (This value is returned only when an unrecoverable DAM file is accessed.)
The UAP is incorrectly linked as follows:
  • The library (-1tdam) to be used for access to a TAM file using a DAM service function is linked incorrectly.
  • The definition of the resource manager for transaction control object files is incorrect.
DCDAMER_UNDEF -1601 The logical file specified for lfname has not been defined.
DCDAMER_NOMEM -1607 The memory became insufficient.
DCDAMER_PARAM_LFNAME -1610 The logical file name specified for lfname is invalid.
DCDAMER_PARAM_FLAGS -1611 The value specified for flags is invalid.
DCDAMER_VERSION -1618 The version of the DAM library linked to the UAP does not allow the UAP to operate with the current DAM service.
DCDAMER_NOEXIST -1619 The physical file corresponding to the logical file specified for lfname does not exist.
DCDAMER_IOER -1620 An input error occurred.
DCDAMER_NOLHOLD -1623 The logical file specified for lfname is not in logical shutdown state.
DCDAMER_NOOHOLD -1624 The logical file specified for lfname is not in shutdown state due to an error.
DCDAMER_OPENNUM -1627 The number of open character special files exceeds the specified maximum number.
DCDAMER_ACCESS -1628 The access permission for character special files has not been granted.
A DAM file to be accessed is protected with the security facility. The UAP that called the function dc_dam_release() has no access permission.
DCDAMER_LFNMER -1632 The physical file is not a character special file, or the device corresponding to the specified special file does not exist.
DCDAMER_LNOINT -1633 The physical file corresponding to the logical file specified for lfname has not been initialized as a OpenTP1 file system.
DCDAMER_ACCESSF -1638 The access permission for the physical file that corresponds to the logical file specified for lfname has not been granted.
DCDAMER_NO_ACL -1646 A DAM file to be released from shutdown is protected with the security facility. There is no ACL for the corresponding file.