OpenTP1 Version 7 Programming Reference C Language


dc_dam_get - Input a physical file block



#include <dcdami.h>
int  dc_dam_get (int fno, char *datadr, int datalen,
                 DCLONG flags)


#include <dcdami.h>
int  dc_dam_get (fno, datadr, datalen, flags)
int      fno;
char     *datadr;
int      datalen;
DCLONG   flags;


The function dc_dam_get() sequentially inputs data in blocks from a physical file of the OpenTP1 file system. Call the function dc_dam_get() after the function dc_dam_iopen().

If the value specified for the block length is smaller than the value specified for the buffer length, the length of the input block is returned. If the value specified for the block length is greater than the value specified for buffer length, an error is returned.

When inputting a physical file block, specify the file descriptor which is the return value of the function dc_dam_iopen().

Arguments whose values are set in the UAP


Specify the file descriptor of the file containing a block to be input.


Specify the address of the input buffer.


Specify the length of the input buffer. You can specify a value in the range from 504 to 2147483647.



Return values

Return value Return value (numeric) Explanation
Positive integer A positive integer indicates the length of the input block.
DCDAMER_BADF -1603 The file descriptor specified for fno is not the one which was acquired by opening the file normally, or the file is not open.
DCDAMER_BUFER -1604 The value specified for the block length is greater than the value specified for the buffer length.
The value specified for the input buffer length is outside the range of values that can be specified.
DCDAMER_SEQER -1605 The call sequence of functions which access the DAM file is invalid.
DCDAMER_PARAM_FLAGS -1611 The value specified for flags is invalid.
DCDAMER_IOER -1620 An input error occurred.
DCDAMER_ACCESS -1628 A DAM file to be accessed is protected with the security facility. The UAP that called the function dc_dam_get() has no access permission.
DCDAMER_EOF -1637 The file end was reached.
DCDAMER_NO_ACL -1646 A DAM file to be accessed is protected with the security facility. There is no ACL for the corresponding file.