OpenTP1 Version 7 System Definition


7.3.5 When a host name or IP address is changed

This subsection indicates which definitions must be reviewed when a host name or IP address is changed, and explains how to make the change.

Organization of this subsection
(1) Definitions that must be reviewed when a host name or IP address is changed
(2) Procedure for changing a host name or IP address

(1) Definitions that must be reviewed when a host name or IP address is changed

The review must cover all sections in which the old host name or IP address is specified on the local and other nodes.

Table 7-9 Definitions that must be reviewed when a host name or IP address is changed

Definition file name Definition Condition under which a review is required
betranrc all_node The definition must be reviewed unconditionally.
all_node_ex The definition must be reviewed unconditionally.
dcbindht -h The definition must be reviewed unconditionally.
my_host The definition must be reviewed unconditionally.
nodeaddr dcprcport -h The definition must be reviewed when TP1/Multi is used.
usrnet dcsvgdef -h The definition must be reviewed unconditionally.
RAP-processing client manager service definition rap_listen_inf The definition must be reviewed unconditionally.
RAP-processing listener service definition rap_client_manager_node The definition must be reviewed unconditionally.
Domain definition file -- The definition must be reviewed when Y is set for the name_domain_file_use operand.

--: Not applicable

When TP1/Message Queue is used, check the definitions that must be reviewed in the manual TP1/Message Queue User's Guide. When MCF is used, check the definitions that must be reviewed in the applicable OpenTP1 Protocol manual.

(2) Procedure for changing a host name or IP address

To change a host name or IP address:

  1. Normally stop OpenTP1.
  2. Search for existing host names or IP addresses in $DCDIR/conf and $DCCONFPATH.
    For the search, use the grep command when the OS is UNIX, or the findstr command when the OS is Windows.
  3. Change any existing host names or IP addresses that are found in the search results.
  4. If you have changed the system common definition file ($DCCONFPATH/betranrc), execute the dcreset command.