OpenTP1 Version 7 System Definition


mcftbuf (Buffer group definition)


{{mcftbuf -g "groupno=buffer-group-number


This command defines the environment related to the buffers for message transmission, or message editing.

It is omitted for an MCF communication configuration definition created for an application startup process.




groupno=buffer-group-number~<unsigned integer> ((1-512))
Specify the group number of the buffers for use in message transmission or message editing. Note that a buffer group number must be unique among all the buffer group numbers specified in the groupno operands of the mcftbuf commands within the same communication process.

length=buffer-length~<unsigned integer> ((512-1073741824)) (Unit: bytes)
Specify the length of the buffers for message transmission or message editing.
For details, see the applicable OpenTP1 Protocol manual.

count=buffer-count~<unsigned integer> ((1-65535))
Specify the number of buffers for message transmission or message editing.
For details, see the applicable OpenTP1 Protocol manual.

extend=extended-buffer-count~<unsigned integer> ((0-65535)) <<0>>
Specify the number of buffers for expansion if all buffers specified with the count operand become full.