OpenTP1 Version 7 System Definition


4.3.3 mcfxxxx (MCF definition object analysis commands)

Organization of this subsection
(1) Format
(2) Function
(3) Options
(4) Output format
(5) Analysis result
(6) Note

(1) Format

mcfxxxx -i [path-name] name-of-object-file-to-be-analyzed
Definition object name Analysis command
MCF manager definition object mcfmngrr
MCF application definition object mcfaplir
MCF communication common definition (or an object that connects this definition and the protocol-specific definition) mcfcomnr
MCF application startup definition object (or an object that connects this definition and the common definition) mcfpsvrr
MCF communication common definition for TP1/NET/TCP/IP (or an object that connects this definition and the common definition) mcftcpr
MCF communication common definition for TP1/NET/XMAP3 (or an object that connects this definition and the common definition) mcfxpr

There is a specific analysis command (mcfxxxx) for each definition object. Use the analysis commands in the above table.

(2) Function

These commands analyze the definition objects of the MCF manager definition object file, the MCF application definition object file, the MCF communication common definition object file, and the MCF application startup definition object file, which are the definition object files of the MCF, then the commands output the analysis result to the standard output using the formats of the definition sources.

(3) Options

(4) Output format

An output example of the analyzed definition object is as follows:

                    MCF manager definition
  OBJECT FILE NAME : xxxxxxxx
  VV-RR            : vv-rr
  DATE             : yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss
  -m id         = A
  -m name       = mng01
  -n            = 10
  -p            = 300
  -j            = 4096
 *-t delayed    = no
  -c            = 255
  -w stats      = no
  -i            = inc
 *-d mcfdump    = yes
 *-d pdebug     = 00000000
 *-1            = 0
  -s mcfsvname  = _muua01
  -s syssvname  = mcfu01
  -s mcfsvname  = _mups01
  -s syssvname  = mcfu02
######################## End of File ########################

Name of the definition object file to be analyzed
Version and revision numbers of the definition object to be analyzed
yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss
Date when the file of the definition object to be analyzed is created

(5) Analysis result

The definition object analysis commands output the result of analysis using the formats of the definition sources. However, the description format of the analysis result does not match the description format of the original definition source. The differences between the definition source and the definition object analysis result are as follows:

Item Definition source Definition object analysis result
Comment statement You can write comments. Comments are not output.
Handling of defaults Omissible Defaults are output including the parts for limited disclosure.
Indication of the parts for limited disclosure No special indication that is different from the parts for public disclosure An asterisk (*) is placed at the beginning of the line of each limited-disclosure OpenTP1 Version 7 function.
Description methods of definition command names and options A command name and its options can be written in one line.
mcfmcomn -n 10
A new line is inserted after the name of the definition command. In addition, = is attached to an option.
mcfmcomn -n = 10
If a single definition command exceeds one line A continuation symbol (\) is added.
mcfmcomn -n 10 \ -p 300
Continuation symbols are not output.
mcfmcomn -n = 10 -p = 300
If a single definition option contains multiple operands Enclose all the operands between two double quotation marks.
-m "id=A name=mng01"
Write the option for each operand.
-m id=A
-m name = mng01
Other items None
  • Titles containing file names are output.
  • Since corrections are made when the definition object is created, the output may differ from the actual values specified.
  • The analysis result may or may not be supported due to the difference between the definition source and the version of the relevant command.

(6) Note

The operation is not guaranteed if the target of analysis is invalid.