OpenTP1 Version 7 System Definition


tamtable (Specify TAM table attribute)


{{tamtable [-o loading-point]  [-a access-mode] [-i] [-j]
        TAM-table-name physical-file-name}}


This command specifies the name and attributes of the tables accessed using the TAM service online.


-o loading-point~<<start>

Specify the point at which the TAM table is to be loaded.

The table is loaded with startup of the TAM service.

The table is loaded with entry of a tamload command.

The table is loaded when a dc_tam_open function is issued and the TAM table is opened.

-a access-mode~<<read>>

Specify the access mode for the TAM table.

Retrieval only.

Updates only with no additions or deletions.

Updates with additions and deletions.

Updates with additions and deletions without securing table locks.


Specify this option if access is continued regardless of occurrence of an input/output error when updating the TAM table. When this option is specified, the TAM table is not shut down on the same online although an input/output error occurs. Therefore, the TAM table is accessible.

If an online failure occurs after occurrence of the input/output error, the TAM service is restarted by isolating the table from online.


Specify this option to collect the differential in the updated journal when the TAM record is updated. This option can reduce the amount of the journal when updating the TAM record.

TAM table name~<1-32 character identifier>

Specify the TAM table name.

physical-file-name~<1-63 digit path name>

Specify the full path name as the name of the physical file for storage of the TAM table. No environment variables can be used.