OpenTP1 Version 7 System Definition


damfile (Specify logical file)


{{damfile [-{d|n[-f]}] [-c] logical-file-name physical-file-name}}


Specify the names of the logical file and physical file to be accessed using the DAM service on-line. The DAM service controls access according to the specified logical file name.



Performs deferred updating of the specified file. If this operand is omitted, no deferred updating takes place. (Instead, the DAM file is real-updated at a synchronous point.)

If both a DAM file for which deferred updating is specified and a DAM file for which normal updating is specified are updated and output, they are real-updated at a synchronous point.


Specify this option if the specified files are processed as a file not to be recovered.


Specify this option to perform cacheless access for the specified file. This option must be specified together with the -n option.


Specify this option to continue the normal startup processing of the DAM service even if an error occurs in the specified DAM file. If the normal startup processing of the DAM service cannot continue, it ends. When the DAM service starts, the applicable DAM file is shut down due to the error. When you use dc_dam_open() to access the file, an error is returned with DCDAMER_OHOLD. To use the DAM file that has an error in a UAP, use the damrm command to disconnect the file from online processing, eliminate the cause of the error, and then use the damadd command to register the file for online processing.

Command arguments

logical-file-name~<1-8 character identifier>

Specify a logical file name.

physical-file-name~<1-63 digit path name>

Specify the complete path name as the name of the physical file corresponding to the logical file name. No environment variables can be used.
