OpenTP1 Version 7 System Definition


dcprcport (Specify the host name and port number of a host in a multinode configuration)


{{dcprcport -w node-identifier
            -h host-name
            -p port-number}}


The multinode physical definition defines the name of the host with an OpenTP1 node defined in the multinode configuration definition, and the number of the port used by the multinode linkage control function at that node.

The OpenTP1 node that uses a system changeover function must define the execution system and the wait system separately. The OpenTP1 node that does not use a system changeover function must not specify a double node identifier.

Any OpenTP1 node defined in the multinode configuration definition must be defined in the multinode physical definition. Up to 128 OpenTP1 nodes can be specified in this definition.



-w node-identifier~<4-character identifier>

Specify the node identifier defined in the multinode configuration definition.

-h host-name~<1-64 character identifier>

Specify the name of the host with the OpenTP1 node indicated by the node-identifier option. The host name must be cataloged in /etc/hosts.

If a maintenance LAN is provided, specify the host name of the maintenance LAN. If not provided, specify the host name (standard host name if omitted) specified by the my_host operand in the system common definition.

-p port-number~<unsigned integer> ((5001-49999))

Specify the number of the port to be used by the multinode linkage control function that corresponds to the node identifier.

The port number used by the multinode linkage control function must be the same as specified in the prc_port operand.