OpenTP1 Version 7 Programming Guide


6.3.1 Procedure for creating UAP for IDL-only TxRPC communication

To create a UAP for IDL-only TxRPC communication:

  1. Create an Interface Definition Language (IDL) file.
  2. Compile the IDL file using the IDL compiler (txidl command).
  3. Based on the template of a server UAP generated using the txidl command, code necessary programs along with the client UAP.
  4. Use the C compiler to compile and link stubs generated using the txidl command and the coded programs.

For the procedure for creating a UAP for TxRPC communication, see the manual OpenTP1 Programming Reference C Language.

The figure below shows the procedure for creating a UAP for IDL-only TxRPC communication.

Figure 6-3 Procedure for creating UAP for IDL-only TxRPC communication
