OpenTP1 Version 7 Programming Guide


6.2.2 TxRPC transaction processing

A TxRPC UAP allows transaction processing. To control transactions by a UAP process, use a TX_ function (e.g., tx_begin() or tx_rollback()). For details on transaction control using the TX_ functions, see 5.2 TX interface (transaction control).

Organization of this subsection
(1) Scope of transaction processing
(2) Transaction attributes

(1) Scope of transaction processing

With OpenTP1 TxRPC, transaction processing is permitted for IDL-only TxRPC.

(2) Transaction attributes

A transaction attribute must be specified for a TxRPC UAP process which performs transaction processing. TxRPC has the following transaction attributes:

A transaction attribute of a UAP is specified in the interface definition file (IDL file). Either transaction_mandatory or transaction_optional may be specified.

The figure below shows communication by using application programs.

Figure 6-2 Communication by using application programs
